Page 13 of Savage

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Wicked images poured into her mind. What would it be like to submit to this man’s primitive sexual hungers?

He gave her a tiny smile and lifted one eyebrow, as though he was the one capable of reading minds.

Chapter Six

Kaden nodded in satisfaction when she blushed. This one possessed the perfect combination. Fiery willfulness warring with embarrassment told him a certain degree of innocence remained in her, despite the fact she was older than most of the women introduced into the colony. It would be amusing to explore the boundaries of that innocence.

Standing in front of her, he could see she was even taller than he’d first thought. Only a head shorter than he was. But the high platforms of the sandals on her feet closed that gap. The bronze chains winding from her toes to her calves emphasized her long legs, giving the illusion of even more height. Kaden wondered whether Tok chose him only because he was the one man in Petra other than Thelo who wouldn’t be intimidated by her size.

He looked the woman over. A long, slow inventory from head to foot.

Her auburn hair had been fashioned into an intricate braid. Strands of pure gold woven into it intertwined to form narrow bands circling her forehead and neck. The hairstyle was common among the women in the Lyceum, a deliberate choice by Tok. A master could easily control even a harlot as tall as this one with a firm tug on that braid, yanking her to her knees.

Her eyes were a strange golden color, almost bronze. Warm deep pools a man could get lost in. He’d seen the flash of desire in them when he walked into the room, though she’d tried to hide it. She’d ringed her eyes with kohl, making them stand out even more. She had high cheekbones and a full mouth, with lips painted red, ready to open wide and receive a master’s stiff tool.

Her shoulders and arms were firm, well-muscled. His gaze went lower. Her breasts were full and lush for such a slender frame.

She’d been dressed in typical harlot attire. Flowing black gown cut nearly to the waist in front, giving a master’s hands easy access to her breasts, barely restrained by the thin fabric. The gown was cinched at the waist, cut so short in front that he got a tantalizing peek at the nest of dark curls between her legs when she swayed on the high sandals.

Tok stayed where he was, leaning against the wall, and motioned for Kaden to be seated. Then he addressed the woman.

“Turn around and walk to the end of the room.”

Hesitantly, she pivoted. Kaden’s eyes widened. The gown fell to the floor in back but it was slit up the center, baring the reddened cheeks of her bottom. From between them, something long and bushy protruded.

She took a few steps, and he realized what it was. Between the clenched cheeks of her ass, she sported the scarlet tail of a tajina, a midsized cat-like creature unique to the mountains of Neodyma. The tail was nearly two feet long. The high sandals restricted her to tiny steps that caused her hips to rock from side to side, making the tail sway enticingly. At the same time, it drew attention to the rounded cheeks of her ass, still flushed from her paddling in the square.

Kaden’s cock reacted instantly at the thought of being alone with her in the private suite. Tok was a fool to give her away.

“As part of her training, she will wear this device every night in the Lyceum,” Tok explained. “You have the privilege of being first to install it. Bid her come to you. I will instruct you in ways to use the device both for her punishment and, if you choose, for her pleasure.”

Apparently the general planned to witness and possibly partake in the session. Kaden seethed inside.

“By what name do I address her?”

Tok laughed. “Here she has no name. Call her Harlot. Or, once she is fitted with the device, simply reach out and grab her by that red tail when you want her. I guarantee she will come.” He smiled, a cold smile that never reached his eyes. “Red tail. How fitting…since we will no doubt be reddening this one’s tail on a regular basis.”

“Red Tail.” Kaden’s voice was firm. “Come here.”

Blushing, the woman walked toward him with that tiny mincing gait. Her unfettered breasts swayed with each step. Kaden’s cock was stiff by the time she stopped in front of him.

“Have her bend at the waist, so you can insert the device. It will be easier if you make her lie across your lap,” Tok added.

Kaden saw the general sizing him up. He decided to skip issuing an order. Grabbing the thick braid hanging down her back, he gave it a tug. Her head flew back, and her eyed widened as the band tightened around her neck. She bent over the chair awkwardly, feet on one side and hands wrapped around the highest rung on the other side, so her body didn’t come in contact with his.

“Have her put her hands on the floor. Then take away the tail so it can be inserted properly.”

Kaden pushed down on her back and felt her body tense as her mound pressed against the bulge in his robe. He slid the tail out from between her tightly clenched cheeks.

The general handed him a handful of leather straps that looked like a harness.

“This part goes around her waist, buckling in back with the wide leather flap hanging down in front. It is split to allow you easy access to her portal then narrows to a thin strap. Bring that on back between her legs.” He stopped, obviously waiting for his guest to comply.

Kaden slid the thick leather straps between their bodies. He felt her jerk when his fingers brushed the tiny nub Atlanteans referred to as a woman’s pearl. Deliberately, he lingered there, casually rubbing over it as he took his time arranging the strap.

Tok came over and ran his hand between her legs. The woman shuddered.

The general laughed. “You will see how effective the device can be. You may need to restrain her to assure her compliance during the next part.”
