Page 28 of Risk

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“Work?” I ask, then my mind races to another possibility, one that hadn’t crossed my mind till now. “Girlfriend, wife?” I shoot up as I watch him wince at those words. “You’re married? What the fuck, Ryder!” I shout, jumping up from the sofa and almost stamping on his leg as I stumble away from him.

“Fuck, no! Why would you think that?” he asks, climbing to his feet.

I start pacing, I knew he was a man-whore, that I should have stayed well away from him. How could I be so fucking stupid. I mentally slap myself for my idiocy. Again! “I’m just another on the job lay, right? When this job is over, you’ll go back and play happy fucking families. Fuck!” I start searching the room for my bag. When I don’t see it, I march to Ryder’s room, assuming he put it in there. Huh, thinking he was getting laid again tonight. Well, that ain’t fucking happening. I hear him following behind, telling me to stop and listen, but I don’t want to listen. Don’t want to hear anymore bullshit spew from his mouth.

I shove his bedroom door open, and it slams against the wall from the force. Seeing my bag on the floor beside the chair where my other bag still rests, I go over to pick it up, but as I bend down, I’m lifted off my feet. For a split second I’m transported back to another time when I was carried away, kicking and screaming, several in fact, but I push the memories away. I refuse to freak out, this is Ryder, not Sean. I might not know much about him, but I do know he’d never hurt me, physically at least. Emotionally? Yes. I already know that this man has more power over me than Sean ever did, and that freaks me the fuck out.

I’m tossed on the bed, and before I can even gather my breath, the bastard cages me in, his weight just enough to stop me escaping. I lash out at him, hitting his chest and trying to push him off, but he doesn’t even flinch, just lets me rain all my anger down on him.

There was a time that this position would have had me spiralling into a full-blown panic attack, the fact I’m not speaks volumes.

I pour all my rage, guilt and everything else I feel into attacking him. It’s like I’m goading him, pushing his buttons to see how far I can go before he snaps. He takes it all, until I’m just a hot, sweaty, emotional mess beneath him.

“Are you ready to listen now?” he asks, his voice firm, with an edge that speaks of his own anger. And once again, I become a bobble head, just nodding away. To be honest, even that’s an effort after all the energy I just expended. “I don’t have a girlfriend or a damn wife. I don’t do relationships— and before you go getting all fucking mad at me again, just fucking listen. I don’t do relationships, mainly because of the job I do and because I didn’t want one. But I ain’t no fucking cheater either. So, when I do have a relationship, you can bet your fucking arse there will be no one else. I may have fucked a lot of women, but they all knew the deal.”

My anger, and I hate to admit, a streak of jealousy sparks inside me at those words. “And what is the deal, Ryder? Because I sure as shit don’t remember any fucking deal being made before you fucked me against the wall.” I ask, disdain drips from my words. He rolls his eyes at me, as the muscle in his jaw ticks, then the bastard rolls his hips. I close my eyes, as a moan rumbles up my chest, and I bite my lip to stop it breaking free, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

“The deal is,” another roll of his hips, “You. Are. Mine.” Each of his words is punctuated with nips to my jaw and a roll of his hips. My body is on fire, as anger and pleasure swirl together making it impossible for my brain to grasp exactly what he means. I don’t really care to figure it out either, all my body wants is more of this man. I want him naked, to explore every inch of his body, to mark him and claim him as mine, to bring him to the brink, then push him over the edge, and have him shuddering beneath me, calling out my name. I want to own him. I don’t think on it anymore, I let my body have complete control.

When his lips finally meet mine, we become savages, ripping and tearing at each other’s clothes until we are just a tangled web of naked limbs. My skin burns with his every touch. Yanking on his hair, I pull his head to the side at the same time as I push up, rolling us over so I’m on top. His eyes spark with a hungry desire and a hint of surprise.

Having Ryder beneath me like this rouses a dark piece of my soul I never knew existed, spurred on by the feeling, I let the darkness have me and give in to my baser instincts.

With my hands on his chest, I lean down kissing his lips, along his jaw, down his neck, mirroring his actions from earlier. I continue my path, alternating kisses with nips that have Ryder growling, dragging my nails down his flesh as I go. I run my tongue over his nipple and take it into my mouth, scraping my teeth over it as it hardens. He grabs a fistful of my hair, and his hips buck at the bite of painful pleasure. Not allowing him to pull me away, I lick all the way down his happy trail as his hand falls to the side, releasing my hair.

His cock pulses as my breasts brush against it, I take him in my hand, and run my tongue around the rim before licking all the way down and back up. Looking up, as I crouch over him, his eyes darken to the colour of the sky before a storm. Keeping my eyes on him, I flick my tongue over the head of his cock, teasing and tasting before I slide my mouth over him, going all the way down till he touches the back of my throat. I watch from the corner of my eye as his hands curl into the sheet, clenching and twisting it up, and I groan deep in my throat at the sight of this man at my mercy.

I can taste him and myself, as arousal drips down my thighs, sliding my other hand down, I find my clit, dipping in and out of my pussy as I continue to take all of Ryder in my mouth. As my pleasure builds, I scrape my teeth along his length but before I can reach my climax, Ryder’s hand is in my hair again, and this time there’s no denying him. Yanking my head up, his cock leaves my mouth with a pop, and I’m dragged up his body, straddling him. Pulling my head down, our lips smashing together as I begin to circle my hips, rubbing my wet pussy along the hard length of him. A growl reverberates through his chest and up his throat, as I break the kiss, dropping my head into the crook of his neck as his scent surrounds me.

I sink my teeth into his neck as I pull forward enough to free his cock from between us before pushing back, angling my hips as I slowly slide down onto him. His grip on my hips tightens, and unable to restrain himself any longer, he thrusts up fiercely, and we both cry out as he fills me completely. Steadying myself on his chest, I rock back and forth, grinding myself on him, and as my orgasm builds my fingers curl into his skin, drawing blood.

The sight of his blood as it runs down his body in little rivulets, pushes me over the edge. My head falls back as my orgasm crashes into me with the force of a tsunami, and before I even take a breath, Ryder flips us taking back control. My heart pounds in my ears perfectly with every pump of Ryder’s hips, and as he grips my arse, angling my hips up allowing him to go deeper, my toes curl as another orgasm builds in my belly.

“Fuck, Cam,” he grinds out, as his control slips. My pussy clenches around him as my release slams into me, and no longer able to contain himself, Ryder follows me, my name a pained cry on his lips. “Fuck, baby! What are you doing to me?” he says, as he rolls us to our sides, planting a delicate kiss on the tip of my nose.

Tipping my head back so I can see his face, “I could ask you the same, Ryder Hawkins,” I whisper, before letting my eyes fall shut and falling into a deep, restful sleep.

Ryder reaches for me twice more during the night, and I can’t say I’m mad at the man for disturbing my sleep, not when he gives me orgasms like that.

After the second time, I lay with my head on his chest and trace the half-moon cuts I inflicted on him earlier, knowing that when I wake, he’ll be gone. And I’ll be stuck with ‘too fucking happy’ and ‘not happy enough’, in other words, Russell and Scott. They’re the epitome of the ‘good cop’, ‘bad cop’ duo.

There’s something about those two that has my alarm bells ringing, but I can’t put my finger on what.



I drag myself from the bed and the warmth of the woman wrapped around me. A woman who is burrowing deeper under my skin every day. After a quick shower, I throw some clothes in my bag before grabbing a pen and paper to leave a message for Cam. I place the note on the pillow beside her, watching as her chest rises and falls with every breath. This has to be the soppiest shit I’ve ever done. Sully will rip me a new one and tell me that I’m pussy whipped if he ever finds out about this. I run a hand down my face, I’m so fucking screwed, and before I can change my mind, I lean over and plant a soft kiss to her head.

Stepping out of the lift, Scott and Russ are waiting for me. After a quick run through of their duties over the next 48 hours, I’m on my way.

Scott has been with us from the start, he’s one of the best men we have, but he wears a permanent scowl, giving off a ‘don’t fuck’ with me vibe that lesser men would run from.

Russ is newer, joining us three years ago. Him and Scott are polar opposites, but equally good at what they do, and I know that Cam will be safe. As long as she does as she’s told.

As I near London, I begin to feel on edge. Something doesn’t feel right, but I can’t figure out what it is. I brush it off as worry over Cam’s safety, putting aside what is happening between us, she’s still a job, her safety is my responsibility. And as I pull up to Sully’s London home, I push my concerns away and focus on what I’m here for. The quicker I get this over with, the quicker I can get back.To Cam.

Like me, Sully has a couple of homes, one here, as most of our business is here, and his main home in Peterborough where he lives with Max, his son. After a quick catch up, we turn our focus to Jamie’s attack.
