Page 87 of Reckless

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“Well, it seems she’s a PI too,” Rick states matter of factly.

“That makes sense as dad uses one from time to time. Didn’t know she was a she, but it doesn’t explain why she was at Tempest.”

“No, it doesn’t,” Rick says, but his words are almost quiet as I watch his brain figuring something out. He shakes his head a second later, but whatever he was thinking, he’s not sharing right now.

Ryder’s been quiet, and I guess this is hard for him being out of the loop so much on this one. I get it though, he wants to be there with Cam and Jamison as much as possible, especially at this young age where they change so much.

“What you thinking about, huh?” Jamie asks, laying a hand on my chest as she turns on my lap.

“Nothing important, just thinking. Although now, I’m thinking about when I get you back in my bed later.”

“Aww, my poor baby, are you tired?” she mocks, rubbing my cheek.

I lean forward, whispering in her ear, “No, Firefly, I’m wide awake and ravenous.” Her hand on my chest tenses, fingers digging in and accompanied by a small gasp and wide eyes, and it makes me chuckle. All this talk about Tempest and Jasper has me wanting to put my mark on her, claim her and make her mine in every way.

Before she can come back at me with whatever retort is so clearly sitting on her tongue, Ryder and Dean head out. Dean tells Rick he will be in touch about his mate, and Ryder hugs Jamie, telling her to stay safe, while giving me the evil eye like he’s channelling Cam or something.

The four of us order a takeout and go over everything we already know until early evening. We all agree there’s a piece of this puzzle missing, but none of us can figure out what the fuck it is.

Rick found out that the haulage company was owned by Noah’s dad at one time, but when Noah’s dad died, he became the Director, only someone bought it from him two years ago and wanted to remain anonymous. They changed the name to MWB Haulage and were a good company up until they were linked to trafficking. Jamie has a frown on her face and is staring into space.

“Hey, you okay?” I ask, reaching over to touch her cheek, she jumps as she snaps out of whatever thoughts were running through her head.

“Yeah, sorry. I’m fine, just tired. I think I might go to bed if you don’t mind.” She gets up from the sofa, wishing Jay and Rick a good night. I follow her to the bedroom, where I watch her undress, taking in her beautiful curves and erect nipples as the cool air hits them before she covers up with one of my t-shirts. I groan at the loss of the sight of her.

Climbing into bed, I sit beside her. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m sure, Seb. Stop worrying. It’s been a hectic few days, and a lot to take in, you know,” she says as she sashays further under the covers.

I’m not entirely convinced, but I lean in and take her mouth in a kiss I hope tells her I’m here if she needs me. Then I switch out the light as I leave, turning back to look at her as I pull the door to before going back to join Rick and Jay.
