Page 91 of Reckless

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“Yes, actually, I was,” I snap back. Jay and Seb both look at me, taken aback by my biting reply. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to snap. I had a weird dream and it’s messing with my head.”

A vision of the faceless man from my dream flashes through my mind, and I can’t shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. I get the blurry faced woman because that’s obviously me and a result of my feelings for Seb. Feelings I’ve suppressed, and a side of me I’ve hidden away up until now. But the man? He’s bothering me.

“You want to talk about it?” Seb asks, and I shake my head. “Okay, well Rick called asking us to come and meet with Dean’s friend, the ex-marine. After that Jay wanted to have another shot at Natalia, seeing as we still don’t have any news from Ray on the intel that Tank gathered while working undercover at Tempest.”

“And did she change her mind?”

“Not yet, no. She did mention a man called Travis and his description matches that of the man we saw at the police station and you saw at your mum’s house,” Jay tells her.

“He’s also the guy I heard Tank arguing with when they were looking for Natalia. Now, we just need to find out who he is.”

I let out a sigh. “Seems like we just keep turning up more questions and never any actual answers.” Seb and Jay nod in agreement.

“I know, but we did get an answer to who the woman you saw your dad with is.” I spin to look at him. “Vanessa Markham, Private Investigator, who your dad hired after he received the DNA test results.”

“That’s good. So, do you think she knows who Dad’s brother is?”

“That I can’t tell you because nobody can find her, not even your dad. Apparently, he hasn’t been able to get hold of her for the last few days.”

“Great. Another fucking dead end. What I don’t understand is how Tempest and my dad are linked, and how did you guys not know about the undercover op. I mean why ask you guys to investigate if they were was already someone on the inside?”

“That, dear Jamie, is great fucking question and one we’ve been asking ourselves. It’s not the first time we’ve crossed paths with another organisation whilst working for someone else on the same case, but it doesn’t happen as often as you think. More often than not, they build a team across several organisations solely to work on that case. Or sometimes they just bring us in, but this time is different.”

Seb doesn’t say it, but I get the impression something isn’t sitting right for him about this whole thing. He’s not the only one. I don’t know if it was the dream or not, but something is making me itch today and that probing feeling is back in full force.

Needing a distraction, I decide to go for a run. I haven’t been for ages and feel the need to push myself and clear my head. Leaving Jay and Seb, I quickly change, grabbing my phone and Seb’s headphones from his bedside table before heading out.

* * *

“Jamie, the car is here,”Seb calls down the hall.

“Okay, I’m coming,” I call back, checking my reflection in the full-length mirror and running a hand down the front of my jumpsuit, cinching the belt and slipping on my shoes. Considering I forgot my straighteners, my hair turned out pretty good. I used a shit ton of product to slick the front back but left the main body in loose waves.

I snatch my clutch off the bed, stuffing my phone into it as I leave the bedroom. Jay wolf whistles as I exit the hall, and Seb spins, eyes widening as he takes me in.

“Damn, girl,” he says as he walks toward me, placing his hands on my hips. “I think we should take a rain check on dinner. Hmmm, I’m not even the slightest bit hungry for food right now,” he whispers against my cheek.

“A great idea…” I leave the thought hanging there for a second before saying, “But no. Come on, let’s go. Just leave room for dessert.” I wink before turning on my heels and walking to the front door and calling out bye to Jay as I go.

Seb catches up to me as the lift arrives, grasping my hips and pushing me against the side as the doors close.

“You look good enough to fucking eat, and I intend to later,” he says before taking my lips in a tender kiss.

Well shit, there goes the thong I’m wearing, and my thin bra does nothing to disguise my erect nipples. As if he read my mind, Seb looks down, lust sparking in his eyes before reaching out and tracing his thumb over one and then the other, but before either of us can get carried away, the lifts comes to a stop, and the doors open.

Exiting the building, we are met by a burly guy in a smart black suit, who opens the door to the black limo parked at the roadside. Dad told me that Marcus was sending a car to pick us all up, so to find the car empty is a bit of a surprise, and before the driver can close the door, I ask him about my parents.

“Another car has collected Mr and Mrs Morgan, Miss,” he replies before closing the door and getting in the driver’s side.

“What’s wrong?” Seb asks as we pull away.

“Nothing. I thought we were all arriving together, that’s all,” I say with a shrug.

“I don’t mind, means I get you all to myself for a bit longer,” he teases as he kisses my bare shoulder, all the way up to my neck. He comes up toward my lips, and I turn my head to meet him, but before our lips meet, his phone pings in his pocket as we turn into a gated driveway.

Seb pulls his phone from his pocket as the gates swing open in front of us, and a frown pulls at his brows. The partition between us and the driver is down, and I catch the driver’s eyes in the rearview mirror as Seb curses beside me.

I watch as a smirk lifts the corner of the driver’s lips, and a shiver runs down my spine that has me fidgeting in my seat and clutching my bag tighter.

Dropping my eyes from the driver, I turn to Seb. “Everything okay?”

Seb doesn’t answer but simply stares at his phone, and I give him a nudge just as we pull up outside the double fronted Victorian house that pulls my attention away. Ground floor bay windows draw your eye immediately, and then ivy trails up from either side of the large wooden front door to the double pointed pitch at the top. The top half of the windows are made up of lead lined squares except the centre window of the top floor, which is beautiful stained glass.

The driver exits the car, bringing me back to inside the car, and I ask Seb again if everything is okay. Instead of giving me an answer he asks a question of his own.

“Your dad’s friend, Marcus, what did you say his surname was?”
