Page 93 of Reckless

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“It’s you. You own Tempest, don’t you?” she asks, and I can see how desperate she is for him to deny it.

He smiles at her, and then he looks at me. “But you already knew, didn’t you, Seb? I admit that I’m a little disappointed you found out and almost ruined the surprise, but no matter, there are many more for me to reveal this evening.”

Jamie’s face pales at the true magnitude of his revelation, and she jumps to her feet, the chair tipping over with the force. One of the men steps forward, pulling his gun and pointing it at the back of head.

I jump up too, only to be met with the same as the snick of a gun’s hammer sounds behind me.

“You sick bastard,” Jamie shouts at Marcus with a total disregard for the fact a man has a gun to her head. “Who the fuck are you?” The man behind her, pushes the gun further into the back of her head, and my blood fucking boils with the need to protect her, but Marcus holds his hand up, stopping him.

“Sit down, Jamie,” Marcus tells her, voice icily calm. Dom reaches out a hand to her, but she brushes him off.

“Fuck you,” she spits at Marcus. “How could you do that? How could you sell those girls like that?” I watch the shock splay across Dom’s face, and now I’m guessing he didn’t know about Tempest, or he didn’t know about the little side venture Marcus has going.

Marcus’ hand comes out, striking Jamie across the face. Her head whips to the side from the force, and her hand automatically comes up to her cheek, cradling it. She slowly turns her head back round, and I see a bead of blood bloom on her lip before it trickles down her chin.

I dive for Marcus, but the giant dick behind me grabs a handful of my hair, like a fucking pussy, and yanks my head back. Louise is sobbing, and Dom is being held back by another of the arseholes in the room.

Jamie looks at me, fire burning in her eyes. I see it. The defiant determination on her face that says she won’t go quietly. She’ll fight to the death to protect those she loves. And god, I couldn’t love this woman anymore if I tried, but I will not let her fucking die saving my arse.

The grip on my hair eases before the guy releases me completely, but not before pushing on a pressure point in my neck that has my knees buckling and me dropping back into my chair.

Eyes narrowed and nostrils flaring, she snatches her napkin from the table and wipes the blood from her lip before sitting back down. She keeps her eyes on Marcus the whole time, and I can almost feel her revulsion and need for vengeance from here.

“Now, that’s better, Jamie.”

“And again, fuck you, Marcus.” I shake my head, but a small smile lifts the corner of my mouth with pride at the fire in her. Pulling her gaze away from Marcus, she catches my eye, and I give her a look that I hope conveys the fact she needs to keep her mouth shut. I might love her strength and feisty attitude, but right now I just need her to keep quiet.
