Page 95 of Reckless

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“Seb, you’re bleeding. Are you okay? Where’s my mum and dad and what the fuck is going on?” All the words rush from my mouth as he grips my face in his hands.

“I’m fine. Your mum is safe, but I don’t know where your dad is. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” He runs his hands over me, checking for injuries.

I don’t get to answer as Marcus’ voice thunders through the room. A roar of anguish and rage rips from him before I hear the sound of flesh meeting flesh, and I know he’s fighting my dad. Each hit is returned with grunts and groans of pain, and as several more beams of light splinter the darkness, I see several men dressed in black, armed with guns. At first, I think they’re more of Marcus’ men, but then I hear a voice I’d know anywhere. Rick.

“Move, Jamie,” Seb says as he grabs my hand, and crouching low, we move towards the double doors that are now hanging from their hinges. Seb pulls me so I’m ahead of him, and I exit the dining room first. He pulls me to a stop just outside the room.

“I want you to keep going and not stop until you reach the front door. Jay will be there with your mum. Do you hear me, Jamie?”

I shake my head at him. “No, I’m not going without—”

He grips my face. “Yes, Jamie, you will. I need you to. I need to know your safe, and I’ll be right behind you. I promise,” he says before dropping a kiss to my lips, and then he releases me, turning me round and pushing me towards the hall.

My brain scrambles to make sense of what he’s saying, and I’m torn because I want him to come with me, but I know he needs to do his job and not be worrying about me. I turn my head, hesitating for a second as my heart and mind battle for dominance. The voice of reason is telling me to do as he asks, but my heart is screaming at me that if I do this, I might never see him again. I feel like I’m being torn in two, but after a second longer, and a nod from Seb, I face forward and race to where Jay and my mum are waiting.

I hear a shot ring out behind me, and I can’t help but look back but not seeing Seb, I continue on. As I round the corner up ahead, I slam into something solid, crashing to the floor. Before I can get back to my feet, hands reach out and grab me from behind. A hand covers my mouth, silencing my scream, and I’m dragged away from the front door, which I now see just ahead of me.
