Page 17 of Redemption

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“A bottle of Corona with a wedge of lime please.” I recognise her voice instantly, and my head snaps up at the same time she turns to take in the room. Our gazes lock. Her cornflower blue eyes spark with recognition before she breaks the connection and turns back to the bar.

Of all the damn places in the world, how is it she’s managed to turn up here? I swirl the lone ice cube in my glass before downing the rest. I’m just about to get to my feet when a fresh drink appears in front of me.

Before I can look up, she sits at the stool across from me, placing her own drink on the table.

“Looked like you could do with another.”

“Sorry to disappoint, but I was just leaving,” I tell her without looking directly at her. My mind flooding with the images of her eyes, which have invaded me nightly since we first met.

“Ouch. A girl could be offended, you know?”

“Good job I know your skin is thicker than that. Besides, I’m company not even you could handle tonight,” I tell her, getting to my feet.

“Aren’t you just a ray of sunshine. Come on, Rick, stay and join me in my small celebration.”

“I’m glad you have something to celebrate after what I imagine has been a difficult few weeks for you, but for fear of popping your proverbial happy bubble, I think it’s best I go.” I grab my coat from the bench, stepping past the table. Her hand on mine stops me from going any further, and I close my eyes as her touch sends a tingle along my arm. I know from my reaction I should keep on walking, but my mind is fogged with memories I’ve tried to drown in alcohol. I’m not thinking clearly. I’m not myself. And is exactly why what happens next, happens at all.

Turning back to her, I lean down close to her face. Her breath mingles with mine, and I try to hold on to my composure long enough to say what I need to. To warn her.

“I’m not the gentleman you think I am, Jessica. And if I stay, I can’t promise you won’t end the night riding my cock.” There’s a sharp inhale of breath from her at my words, but the parting of her lips and sweep of her tongue over her bottom lip tell me she’s not shocked by my words. She’s turned on, and that’s all the answer I need.

I throw my coat back on the seat and sit down. Picking up my glass and raising it to my mouth, my eyes lock with hers. Her pupils are blown with lust and desire, and she adjusts her position on the stool, tensing her crossed legs a fraction.

Clearing her throat, she says, “A little more than presumptuous of you, don’t you think?” She picks up her bottle, matching me, and brings it to her lips.

“No, I don’t think so. On the contrary, I think that’s exactly what you were looking for when you joined me at my table.” She scoffs, taking another long drink from her bottle, wrapping her lips around the rim.

Now it’s my turn to adjust my position as my cock hardens, straining at the tight denim, as my mind imagines those lips wrapped around it.

“Anyone ever tell you you’re arrogant?”

I chuckle. “Many times.” I chuck back the last of my drink, then pin my gaze back on Jessica. “Shall we?” I ask, rising from my seat. For a second, I watch her struggle with making a decision, but then she’s up on her feet and moving to the door.

I follow her, knowing it’s a bad idea. Is it enough of a bad idea to make me change my mind? Not even close. I’ve spent the last five years living with my bad decisions, what’s one more.

Outside the temperature might have dropped, but it does nothing to cool the heat between Jessica and me. We walk in silence, side by side, and every now and then, her hand brushes against mine reconfirming the spark that crackles between us.

Once we pass the campsite, I know exactly where we’re heading. Kings Dyke Cabins is the only other holiday rental along this stretch.

We pass through the line of trees into the copse as Jessica’s hand brushes mine again. Unable to wait another second, I snatch hold of her hand, pulling her back to me. She slams into my chest, and I guide her backwards till we hit a tree. Sliding a hand into her hair, I fist it tightly, pulling her head back before I nuzzle her neck, sucking and biting. She groans as I grind my hips into her, and I can feel her heat through our clothes.

“How far to your cabin, Jessica?” I whisper, her pulse beating frantically against my lips. Keeping hold of her hair, I slide a hand beneath her jumper and along her smooth, silky skin. She releases another moan as my fingers delve under the cup of her bra, finding her nipple beaded and wanton, and my mouth waters at the thought of sucking on it.

“Oh…err…just th—”

“Never mind,” I say, picking her up. Her legs wrap around my waist, and I stride purposefully down the path toward the cabin, which I now see faintly illuminated ahead.

When we reach the door, Jessica fumbles for her keys. As soon as she has them, I slam her against the side of the cabin, snatching them from her and unlocking the door. Tripping over the threshold in my haste to get her inside, I twist to break our fall, and she lands on top of me with an oomph. The air is knocked from my lungs, but I don’t have time to catch my breath as Jessica’s lips land on mine.

Her tongue is a hot caress across my lips, demanding entry, and I open willingly, allowing her to plunder my mouth. I can taste beer mixed with something fruity, like watermelon as our tongues duel for dominance.

Jessica begins rubbing her core along the hard length of me, and I grab her arse, squeezing tightly, as she seeks the friction she so desperately needs.

Breaking the kiss, she pushes up on my chest. “Clothes. Off. Now,” she demands in between panting breaths as she yanks her jumper over her head before unclasping her bra and tossing them both to the side.

“Anyone ever tell you your bossy and demanding?” I ask, mimicking her phrase from earlier as I rake my eyes over her naked breasts.

She shuffles back, reaching for my belt. “Many times. Now hurry the fuck up, Rick,” she grits out as she rips my jeans open, raising her hips so she can slide them down my legs enough to get access to my cock.
