Page 94 of Redemption

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“Shit,” Roxy exclaims from the front seat.

“What’s wrong? Why’s it not starting?”

“Hey, I deal in criminals not cars, JJ,” she snarks.

After an almost two hour wait,thanks to a dead battery, we are finally back on the road. The car battery isn’t the only thing that’s dead around here. My phone died too, and I couldn’t find the charger anywhere.

Thanks to modern technology, and pure laziness, I haven’t managed to memorise Rick’s number, so I can’t call him and let him know we are running late.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, we then get pulled over by the police in a routine check. Admittedly, it’s quickly resolved but still.

After almost six hours, we finally turn into the drive to the barn. Passing the house, I see Beth and Robert’s car parked outside, but no sign of them or Max anywhere.

Pulling up outside the barn, there’s no sign of Rick either. I was almost sure he would have beaten us here after it took us so fucking long.

“Wow, this place is amazing, JJ,” Roxy says, stepping from the car and walking to the front of the car to look out over the lake in a move identical to mine when I first saw the place.

“Isn’t it beautiful? I still can’t believe this is my home.” I step up beside her, and she throws her arm around me.

“You better believe it, and you fucking deserve it too, JJ. Christian would be so damn proud of you.” She squeezes me knowing how much her words mean to me. “Come on, show me around.”

We walk to the barn arm in arm, laughing and joking and it feels amazing.

This last month has been fucking hell, and I’m still coming to terms with everything. The next few months aren’t going to be any easier either. But I have more than I could ever have asked for, and I don’t intend on wasting a second of it.

I expected Rick’s parents and Max to be here and don’t have a key. So, when we reach the door, I hesitate. Looking to Roxy, I see a knowing smile on her face, but before I can ask her about it, she reaches for the door and walks right in.

“Come on, JJ.”

“What is—” My words cut off as I step inside and see a large sign hanging from the ceiling.

Welcome Home!

Roxy grabs my hand pulling me forward. Reaching the kitchen, she steps aside, still holding one hand, to reveal an envelope with my name on it on the counter.

“Roxy, what is going on?”

Squeezing my hand, she says, “Read it, JJ.”

I pick it up, hands shaking as I tear it open. I pull out a folded piece of paper and open it.

Carpe Diem - Seize the day.

I need you to keep that saying in mind for the next few minutes. I also need you to not answer a question with a question just this once.

When I look up,there’s no sign of Roxy, just illuminated arrows on the floor. Following them, I push open the double doors into the garden.

As I step outside, I can’t see anything else, just him. Dressed in dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt, standing in the middle of the lawn and wearing a wicked grin.

“What are you doing?” I half whisper, as I reach him. A nervous smile spreads across my face as I suddenly realise we aren’t in fact alone. Standing behind him are all our friends and family, including Harry and Eleanor. As my eyes land on Roxy, things become very bloody clear.

“I’ll deal with you later, Rox,” I hiss around a smile that’s impossible to hold back. “Hey,” I say, looking back to Rick.

“Nice trip?” he asks with a wink. I reach out to slap him on the arm, but he catches it, bringing it to his mouth for a tender kiss.

“Was that your question? You know, the one I wasn’t meant to answer with a question,” I ask with a laugh, and everyone joins in.

Gripping me round the waist, Rick leans in, whispering, “Absolutely not.” Without another word, he releases me and drops to one knee, pulling out a box from his pocket. My hands come up to cover my mouth as he opens it, revealing the most astounding pear cut diamond.
