Page 75 of Ruthless Vengeance

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I consider winding him up, but in all fairness, I wouldn’t want to hear about him and other girls. However, it does remind me of a little conversation we need to have about how much spying he and Zak actually did over the last ten years. My guess is that between the two of them and Mitch, there isn’t much of my private life that stayed private.

“Yeah, don’t think that it’s escaped my notice that at least one of you at any one time in the last ten years has been spying on me. We are going to have serious fucking words about that.”

“We can talk about it all you like, won’t change the fact I know everything,” he says, strolling into the bathroom.

“Even the experimental girl on girl action I had at college?” I call out, knowing full well he doesn’t.

He appears in the bathroom doorway, a hand on either side of the door frame and a face like thunder. “What the fuck are you talking about?” he demands.

“I thought you kneweverything?” I taunt him, trying to keep a straight face. I know I’m playing with fire, but I can’t help it; it’s so much fun.

He steps out of the bathroom, coming toward me, and I have the very real and sudden need to run.

Like he read my mind, he says, “Don’t you fucking dare, Roxanne.”

I turn as if I’m about to then realise that I have nowhere to go because I’m completely naked. I dive for the bed, but he catches my foot. I let out a screech as I drop to the mattress, and he drags me backwards on my stomach.

“I’m joking. I was joking, Maddox. Stop,” I manage to get the words out between laughing and breathing. He releases my foot, and I spin over as he cages me in. “I was just messing with you. Did you honestly believe me? I’m wondering if you know me at all.”

We both hear the door open, but it’s too quick to stop whoever it is. Thankfully, it’s Zak, and he raises a brow at the scene in front of him.

He smiles, then it drops from his face. “We need to get going if you want to get Star moved.”

Maddox stands up, offering me a hand. Once I’m on my feet, I turn his wrist over to see the time on his watch.

“Shit! I didn’t realise it was that late. I’ll be five minutes. I need a quick shower. Can one of you please grab the bag that’s sitting on the chair in Star’s room. My top is in there, and there should be a pair of black skinny jeans with it,” I holler, ducking into the bathroom. I pop my head back out. “Oh, and, Maddox, I kissed a girl, and I didn’t like it,” I sing, replicating Katy Perry’sI Kissed a Girlsong.

He growls and throws something at the door, but whatever it is barely makes a sound as it hits. As I get in the shower, I hear him and Zak talking but tune them out as they laugh about something.

I shower quickly, and when I step back into the bedroom, it’s empty, but the bag and my jeans are on the bed waiting for me.

Once I’m dressed, I look at myself in the mirror. The white vest top with the red anarchy symbol I was wearing the day I got arrested was perfect then and is even more perfect now. It personifies who I am and how my life has been to this point.

I’m Roxy Lawler, and I’m fucking coming for you.



Zak and I find Mitch in the office, pacing up and down.

“What’s up, Mitch,” I ask, walking to the desk and checking the cameras and footage from last night.

He stops pacing for a second. “Lila’s uncle named you as a suspect in her murder. Apparently, you threatened him in his home just before she was found dead.” His eyebrows rise and his tone is full of censure.

I match his unappreciated censure with nonchalance. “And?”

“And. All he has to say is and. Maddox, I can’t just snap my fingers and get every charge ever brought against you dropped. They are piecing together your connection and the credibility of you as a suspect. Like we need any more fucking problems right now,Maddox.” He begins pacing again.

Zak looks to me and mouths “What the fuck?”.

“Mitch, there’s no evidence I went to see whatever his fucking name is Jenkins or any evidence I was at Lila’s house, right?”

“Of course not, but this is heat we don’t fucking need. Have you forgotten what is going down tonight? What you dragged my…Roxy into?”

“Okay, stop right fucking there. Daughter, Mitch, just fucking say it. If this is about earlier, then get the fuck over it. It’s happening—happened. And for the record, in case you missed it, this plan, it was Roxanne’s idea. I don’t hear her complaining about doing what needs to be done.”

He spins around, away from me, and punches the wall, leaving a large fist sized hole and a nice spray of dust on the floor. Taking a deep breath, he rests his head on the wall.
