Page 79 of Ruthless Vengeance

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“Just bloody hurry up, Maddox.”

He rolls along the road, and I look past Maddox to see in the side mirror. And sure enough, the black BMW that’s been with us all the way is still there.

After a couple more minutes, which we hope is enough time, Maddox speeds up again, and we pull into the drive.

There’s no sign of Tommy, which means he must be inside with Zak, but Kavanagh is unloading the boot of the car. I turn to look back to the road and catch a glimpse of the BMW as it slowly passes. He is going to have a problem trying to find somewhere to hide as this is the only house for a mile. My guess is he’ll park up the road out of sight and then find a spot in the tree line over the road. It’s what I would do.

I leap off the bike as it comes to a stop and pull off my helmet as I race for the door, yelling, “Toilet. Where’s the toilet?”

“Upstairs, directly in front of you,” Zak calls, from what I assume is the kitchen.

I race up the stairs, and after relieving myself, I let out the deepest sigh. I jog back down to find the others in the kitchen. Looking round, I don’t see Tommy though.

“He’s in the lounge,” Zak tells me when he sees me looking for him.

Over the next hour, Kavanagh gets a message from Connor letting us know that the guy left behind has been taken care of, and Smithy called to let us know that they are on the road.

With everything slotting into place, it’s time for Tommy to make the call to Rogers. He’s had a nice little pep talk beforehand just to ensure he says the right things, and I stand beside him with my bat resting over my shoulder as a warning while he makes the call.

Using his phone, which we’ve kept and monitored over the last couple of days, I press call and put it on speaker phone. It rings several times before finally being answered.

“Where the fuck have you been, Tommy?” comes Rogers’ voice down the line.

It’s now that I realise this is who Noah was talking to on that first audio.

I give Tommy a little nudge with the edge of my bat, and he stutters out a response, “I h-h-ad to fucking lay low, man. The Lawlers were sniffing around. But I…I heard ‘em talking about some deal going on between the Bratva and Bonner tonight over in Sutton.”

“Is that so, Tommy? And how is that you’re only telling me this now?” he asks.

Tommy pauses, looking to me for answers, and I quickly point to his phone. “My phone’s been dead, man, and I didn’t have a charger till now,” Tommy replies with a smile on his face like he’s proud. I give his knee a knock. “Ahh, fuck!” he cries out, and I scowl at him.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing. I…banged my knee.” He looks to me, eyes shining with pain, and I shrug. “Look, do you want to know where or not,” he asks tentatively, letting some of his anger fade because he knows if Rogers doesn’t buy this bullshit, then it’s game over and we’ll have to come up with a plan B.

“What do you fucking think, Tommy, huh? Just give me the fucking address.”

Tommy tells him the address and Rogers says, “You better show your face too if you don’t want to end up like your brother.”

Tommy’s face instantly drops. “What you talking about? You said he was out of town,” Tommy asks, looking at each of us for some sort of reassurance.

When his eyes land on me, I point the bat at his head, then swipe my other hand back and forth in front of my neck and barely whisper, “Tell him yes, then end it. End it. Now.”

He shakes his head as though he’s going to blow it, so I take a step back ready to knock his head clean off if he so much as says the wrong word.

“Course he ain’t—” Rogers’ voice cuts off as I end the call then throw the cell to Zak.

“Send a text telling him the signal is bad, but Tommy will be there tonight.” Then turning to Tommy, my eyes blazing with fury. “You fucking idiot. You could have blown it.”

“So fucking what! Do you honestly think your pathetic little plan is going to work? Rogers has eyes and ears everywhere. I wouldn’t be surprised if he already knows where you are.”

I shake my head. “Poor, poor, Tommy. You really are so very fucking stupid and gullible. Look at yourself, Tommy. We want Rogers to know where we are that’s why you’re dressed like that.” He looks down at his top and pulls at the wig, as though he only just remembered. “Just like you said, Tommy, you’re bait.”

He goes to get up, and all the guys move at once, but I hold a hand up, stopping them. Pushing him back down using the end of the bat, I lean down in his face. “Do not fucking test me, Tommy. You want to know about your brother, fine I’ll tell you. He’s dead. Has been for weeks. And you want to sit here and defend Rogers, yet he’s the one that killed Sammy. He’s sitting over there laughing at you while you’re taking beatings for him and doing his dirty work. Maybe it’s time you re-evaluated your loyalties.” I push away from him, standing to my full height again.

“I lied before,” he groans as he shifts in the chair, rubbing at his knee.

“No surprise, Tommy. Out of interest, which bit?” I pace back and forth in front of him, and I see Zak on Tommy’s phone reading a message that just came through. He gives me a nod to say Rogers bought it.
