Page 81 of Embers of You

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“Is everything ready?” I ask quietly down the phone.

“Yes, stop worrying.”

The call disconnects, and I quickly shove my phone back in my pocket as Kenz comes into the room.

“What are you up to?” she asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

“Why do you always wound me with your distrust?” I mock, chuckling as I step into her, hands grasping hold of her ass.

“It’s not distrust, Ash, it’s knowing you well enough to know when you’re up to something or hiding something.”

I tilt her head, trailing kisses up her neck and pulling her flush with my body. God, I just can’t get enough of this woman. We only got out of bed a couple of hours ago, and only after I made her come twice.

“Well, then you’ll also know that, hypothetically, if I was up to anything it would only ever be something good.” I tug at her top, trying to gain access to her tit, but she stops me, peeling my hands from her and stepping out of reach.

“Some of us have to get to work, you know,” she sasses, collecting her phone and purse from the counter and heading for the door.

I groan, making sure it’s loud enough as I trail after her like a lovesick puppy. She laughs as she glances behind her, blowing me kiss, then disappearing out the front door.

As soon as her car pulls out of the drive, I race to the bathroom for a shower then get dressed. Within half hour, I’m out of the house and on my way to Tungsten Bay.

A message from Everly flashes up on the screen, bringing a smile to my face.

Today is Kenz’s birthday, and after missing the last six years, I intend to make sure she has the best day.

Everly’s role today is to keep her occupied once she finishes work at Morning Kick at midday. She’s taking her to lunch at the country club then Kenz thinks they are meeting friends at the marina for drinks later, which isn’t far from the truth.

Getting Everly involved in organizing this was two-fold. The night Owen’s body turned up on the beach, I caught Everly’s boyfriend Darryl fucking some chick in the photo booth. I even got photographic proof. I arranged for the photos to miraculously show up in a pair of Darryl’s jeans, knowing Everly would find them. What I hadn’t expected was for Everly to march down to his work, tear him a new one in front of everyone then slam the hood of the car he was working on shut on his hand. Darryl no longer works at the garage, and he has even moved out of Silverbell. Can’t say I miss the prick.

She’s been so busy helping me that she’s not had time to wallow over Darryl, plus it’s helped me out too.

I pull up outside The Boulevard where Jason and Luke are already waiting for me with everything I need.

After loading everything into my car and a quick chat with promises to see me later, I head back to Silverbell.

Kenz decided she wasn’t ready to quit the casino and Jason and Luke weren’t keen to let her go either, so after chatting with her mom, she decided to split her time between the two. She only works at Morning Kick if her mom needs her or to cover holidays, the rest of the time she works at The Boulevard.

Tripp messages to say that he and Lily will be arriving around seven. It seems that I was right on the money with Lily. After Kenz mentioned her being Walt’s granddaughter, I did a little digging.

Walt’s son was a member of the Cobra’s when they first started out, even knew my dad and Ray. I don’t know the exact details, but Lily’s mom was a club whore who got caught up in some club rivalry and ended up dead. From what Tripp told me, Lily’s mom, Gem, had been out of club life since Lily was small, got clean and was working a proper job. How the hell she ended up involved in club business is a mystery, well, one that Tripp doesn’t know the answers to for now.

The day passes quickly and by the time six thirty rolls around, I’m standing inside the door to the marina bar waiting for Kenz to arrive with Everly.

She has absolutely no idea what’s waiting for her when she gets here. And while I want her to enjoy it, I have every intention of sneaking away for a surprise of my own. A surprise that should have happened the night of Aria’s party.

My phone pings with a message from Everly letting me know they are two minutes out. I head inside and let everyone know she’s coming, then take up my position to the left of the entrance.

I hear her before I see her. Her laughs rings out above the soft music playing in the background, then the doors push open, and she breezes in arm in arm with Everly, a wide smile on her face. The whole room erupts in a chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’ and her eyes widen as she looks to Everly, then all her family and friends gathered here before they finally find me.

“You,” she says, barely above a whisper as I step forward to greet her.

“Yes, me. What do you think?”

“I think I was damn right when I called you out this morning. I knew you were up to something.” She lightly swats at me as I take her face in my hands, seeing the glint of tears at the corner of her eyes.

“I think you were right about a lot of things. I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And I think I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you while I thank the fates for bringing you into my life. Happy birthday, Kenz.” I kiss her, breaking apart before I get carried away in front of everyone.

“I can’t believe you. And you,” she accuses, pointing at Everly who is standing to the side.
