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“Sorry. It’s just that I don’t really travel in those circles and it’s hard when you don’t know anyone. I’m just going to show up, have a meal, grab the little statuette when it’s handed to me. And then come back home.”

The look Jordan gave her was one of a man who’d just gotten an inspired idea. She could almost see the proverbial lightbulb above his head. That thought nearly had her giggling, even though her head was spinning from the latest development that had her instructing Sonya at his house.

What in the world was he getting at now?

“What is it?” she asked.

“Maybe you don’t have to attend the dinner alone.” He stepped closer to her and she got another whiff of the now oh-so-familiar aftershave that sent her senses soaring.

“I don’t follow.”

“You aren’t going to believe this but I’m due in the city myself this weekend. For a charity auction and banquet. On Saturday evening. It’s being held in honor of the American Auditory Association. They fund several research projects around the world to advance hearing and auditory causes. I normally don’t like to attend such things but given the cause...”

What did any of that have to do with her? “And?”

“And I hate attending such events alone also. But I haven’t had time to think too much about a plus-one given the move and everything else. Maybe we can assist each other?”

“I see.” It was all she could stammer out. If she was hearing him correctly, he was asking her to accompany him to a charity gala. And offering to accompany her to the awards dinner in return. Somehow, in the span of one conversation, her life was becoming more and more intertwined with that of Jordan Paydan’s, between her agreeing to instruct Sonya and now this potential trip.

But maybe she was looking too deeply into it. After all, she’d simply agreed to teach art to a child in her free time. And going to New York with Jordan wasn’t all that different a prospect than how she’d shown him around Bimby’s the other day.

Again, on the surface of it, Jordan was simply making a very reasonable suggestion and offer to accompany her. Generous even. On the surface, she’d be a fool to turn him down.

It was a crazy idea. Of course it was. He shouldn’t have even brought it up. But they were both mature adults. Plus, the travel together would even give them some time to discuss Sonya and any benefits she might get from learning a new craft from Jess. And hadn’t he already proven that he could stay away from her when he wanted to?

Not that he’d actually wanted to avoid her. Just some simple self-preservation.

It was clear Jess was dreading going to this awards ceremony by herself. There was no reason she had to. Not when he’d literally be in the same city at the same time.

Besides, he owed her for what she’d done for Sonya with the play. His little sister had been more engaged and upbeat than he’d ever seen her in the past couple of years. There was no denying the role Jess played in her transformation. And now she’d be instructing the little girl and refused to even be paid for it.

“So, a quid pro quo?” she asked.

“Something like that. We can suffer through our respective events together.”

She chewed the inside of her cheek as she turned it over. “I suppose it makes sense.”

“It’s more a business proposition, really. We’ll be helping each other with our individual transactions.”

She finally looked up to face him. “Why not?”

Not the most enthusiastic of acceptances but what did he expect? It wasn’t as if he was proposing a romantic getaway. Like he’d just told her, simply business.

“It’s a plan, then. I’ll have my assistant relay you the details.”

“Okay. I’d planned on checking into my hotel early Friday morning. Maybe we can meet up later that day.”

“Jess. You’re not going to need a hotel. I have an apartment on the Upper East Side. There’s plenty of room.”

That drew her back a step. “Unless you’re uncomfortable with that for some reason.”

“Uh... No. Why would I be?”

Why indeed? “Well, I assure you there’s enough space that we probably won’t even run into each other.”
