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“Protective. Well, isn’t that…something,” Hilda muttered and then pretended to be enamored with her tea.

“Did you want some tea, Nico?” I felt silly even asking him. Our predicament was so deep inside me—he and the others completely burrowed under my skin—that asking him everyday things seemed ridiculous.

What I should’ve been doing was leading him to the nearest flat surface and doing what my baser instincts were crying for me to do—mate my mate. And I still didn’t understand why I didn’t. Not completely.

He bowed his head, graciousness incarnate. “Tea would be nice. Thank you.”

Hilda and Nico chatted while she guided me on making a concoction just for him. The Nico recipe had several mood-boosting herbs as well as some calming ones. He took a sip and smiled at me, grabbed my hand, and led me to sit beside him.

I’d seen a tea work that fast.

After he finished, he washed the cup and returned it to the hook that was its home. “It’s getting late. Maybe we should head back?”

I peeked out the window to see the sun already waning in the sky, tossing out tangerines and lavenders, her promise to rise tomorrow. “I must’ve lost track of time. Can I have a few moments with Hilda before we go?”

Nico nodded, but Hilda wasn’t having it. She got up slowly, hugged him tightly after making him bend down to her height, and whispered something in his ear. His eyes widened, but he leaned forward to kiss her cheek.

I should’ve written that recipe down.He needed gallons of it.

“Take your time,” he murmured before moving toward the door, exiting, and then shutting it behind him.

“He’s so in love with you,” Hilda said with a wide grin on her face.

“You can’t know that.”

“Yes, I can. And I did. But you have to be gentle with him. He’s been through so much. His soul and his heart are scarred. You can unlock his pain.”

“Why? Who hurt him?” My dragon reared up inside me, wanting to end whoever caused my mate pain.

“That’s for you to explore with him. He will always be there for you. Always. It may be time for you to stop being so stubborn. Stop worrying about what others think of you and start living your life, surrender to what is.”

“Penis?” I asked with a chuckle.

“Good thing it’s not in short supply around your house. Now, go. You’re making me tired.”

I kissed her temple, and we fussed a little more over what I could do before I left. Outside the cabin, Nico waited a few paces off, far enough to give us privacy but close enough to be there in case of danger.

“Waiting for someone?” I asked, trying to be playful. Being flirtatious and free felt better than constantly building up that wall.

“I’m waiting for my mate, actually. Have you seen her? Gorgeous female with long red hair, green eyes, and the most perfectly shaped hips.” He chuckled, took my hand in his, and set off.

“Do we have to go back yet?”

A twinkle in his eye told me he wasn’t ready to go back, either. “What do you propose, mate?”

“You and I always talk by the moon. Why shouldn’t this night be any different?”

“You’re right. I know just the spot.”

Nico led me to a darkened valley where the moon failed to reach, even in her evening fullness.

I needed his touch. Craved it. So I took advantage of this rare alone time and snuggled up to him, expecting coldness. Nico was so hard to read.

But there was no rejection as he wrapped me up in his hold. I shuddered as the coldness of the night fought against my fever, and, so my mate held me even tighter.

“Tell me something about you,” I asked, gently.

“Like what?” He tensed but soon relaxed again.
