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“We drew straws.”

I pulled back, leaning against the door, but my thighs were still locked around him, and he was supporting my bottom in his palms. “That’s the least romantic thing I’ve ever heard.”

Turning, he brought me with him, marching toward the huge bed in the middle of the room. “Would it be more romantic if I told you I cheated?”

Now it was my laughter ringing out, and my arms locked around his neck as I sought his lips for a kiss. When we broke for breath, I said, “So much more romantic. Did you cheat? For me?”

“They can never know, but I couldn’t wait another day, another hour for you, Freya. Every day I see you here in our rooms, knowing you belong to us, but waiting until you are ready to accept what the Fates have gifted us. Your scent clings to every corner, and I have to take myself in hand over and over, just to keep myself under control, but it’s not enough. It’s not the same. My dragon yearns for connection with you, and I crave your body, your mind, your soul.” He set me on the edge of the tall bed. “But you can still say no. But if you do, I will have to move out until things change because seeing you and cooking with you and laughing with you without being able to make love to you is too painful.”

I scooted back, loosening my legs from his hips and patting the mattress next to me. “This is a very nice comforter, all gold and black and so soft. Won’t you join me on it?”

“If I do, will you be naked?”

“I will be any way you want me, Jude. You’ve been so patient, and always kind to me, and I’ve wanted you, too, but felt like I had to wait. And I still don’t entirely understand why, but I can’t wait any longer, either. I ache for you, too.” I leaned back on my elbows, waiting for him to do something because I didn’t know what came next. Or rather, I did…but not sure you got from here to there.

“No more waiting?”

“No more waiting. I’m yours. I’m ready.”

He tipped my chin up and brushed his lips over mine. “Then we’d better get rid of all these clothes before my friends out there get suspicious.”

“D-don’t they know what you’re up to, what we’re up to?”

“They know what I hope we’re up to but none of us were sure you’d say yes.”

“Yes.” I slid my fingers into his hair and gripped it, wanting lots more kisses because… “I’m scared.”

“Of me? You’ve seen me spill melted chocolate on the floor and slip on it. I’m the least scary thing in this apartment.”

“What if I disappoint you?” I licked my lips but kept my hold on his hair. “I’m an amateur at this sex stuff. I might be awful at it.”

“Somehow,” he said, offering me the sweetest smile, “I doubt that.” And then, he reached for the top button on my blouse. “How could my beautiful mate ever disappoint?”

My heart pounded hard as Jude undressed me piece by piece, kissing every part of me that he revealed. I was a little afraid that I should be doing something besides lying back and letting him, but he was so intent, and I felt so out of my depth that I had to let go and let him lead. Let my mate claim me as he wanted to, and pray that it would also meet my needs. His caresses and kisses awakened something deep inside me that I’d never even known was there.

I’d wanted him, sure, but in the way of a woman who’d never been touched by a man. At least beyond kisses and a few light touches. And with each stroke of his strong hands, each lick and suck and nibble, he was teaching me what was possible between grown-up dragons.

And I liked it.

By the time he removed his own clothing and knelt between my legs, I was slick and wet and ready for him.

“It’s going to hurt,” he warned, “but only for a moment. I want to make your first time good for you.”

“You make it sound like such an honor.”

“Because it is.” He kissed me again, and when he pierced my maidenhead, he swallowed my cry. It did hurt but only for a moment before the pleasure climbed again. All the way in, he waited for me to lift my hips in a plea for him to continue.

I clung to him while he drove into me again and again, finding places inside me that brought me with him until we tumbled over the edge at the same time.

Chapter Six

I woke up late judging by the sun’s position outside the large window. Wait…I wasn’t in my bed at all. After stretching and feeling the soreness now flourishing between my thighs, I scissored my legs, trying to move this way and that to relieve some of the throbbing, the aching. I slid out of the enormous bed and went straight to the shower, needing cold water to tamp down my body after remembering everything Jude and I had done last night.

And then again this morning.

Showered and somewhat put together, I walked into the kitchen with my dress from the day before skimming my ankles. As soon as I entered the room, they all stopped talking. Nico picked at his omelet, Soren burned his mouth on his coffee, and Jude, well, he smiled at me in a way that I was sure made me blush from head to toe.

My insides shook as I leaned against the counter and poured myself black coffee, filling the mug to the brim.
