Page 99 of Justin's Bride

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Mrs. Dobson drew herself to her full, if unimpressive, height. "Young man, I am a respectable widow and you have a schedule to keep."

The driver winked again. "I ain't so young, Miz Dobson, and you ain't so old. As for me being on a schedule and you being a widow, I don't see what one has to do with the other. But I'll tell you what. Next time I come through here, I'll make sure my overnight stop is right here in Landing. That way, we'll have plenty of time for coffee."

Megan glanced around. Everyone was eagerly watching

the boxes and barrels being unloaded and didn't notice what

| was happening between the widow and the driver. She held

l her breath, wondering how loud the explosion would be.

i However, Mrs. Dobson didn't puff up her large bosom in

I indignation or begin a long, shrieking speech about her

dignity. Instead, she raised a hand to her head as if making

sure her hair was in place. Then she smiled slightly.

"I think that might be agreeable." With that, she turned and walked back into the store.

"Close your mouth."

Megan glanced up and found Justin standing beside her. "What?"

"Your mouth is hanging open. What are you staring at?"

It was warm out today. Spring had arrived and was already hinting at summer. Justin wore a black vest over his blue-striped shirt, but no jacket. The sheriff's badge gleamed on his chest. He was handsome and tall, proud and formidable, and her husband. Her chest swelled with pleasure.

"Megan?" He raised his eyebrows expectantly.

"Oh! Sorry. I was just—" she tried to think of something to say "—watching the crowd. What are you doing here?"

"I'm always around when the stage comes in."

Funny, she didn't remember him being here for it before. Bonnie tugged on his shirtsleeve. "Fm gettin' a reader."

"Good for you." He touched the girl's head, then pulled gently on her braid. Bonnie grinned in response.

Megan liked watching them together. They seemed to fit. The large man and the happy little girl. They understood each other. Their past formed a bond that she could never understand, yet they never made her feel left out of their circle.

"Will you look at that?"

The loud call made Megan glance back at the stage. Three tall plants were being unloaded from the passenger compartment. The roots had been wrapped in wet burlap and set into big metal pots. More burlap had been wrapped around the plants themselves. She couldn't see anything at all except for one perfect pink rose peeking over the top.

"I wonder who ordered that," she said, knowing it hadn't been her. Most people made their special requests through her store, but a few people telegraphed directly to St. Louis.

"I did." Justin stepped through the crowd over to the plants. He glanced at the tags and spoke to the man there, then started unwrapping them.

The roses were almost as tall as he was, with long graceful branches that swept toward the ground as he unwound the burlap. One of the farmers' wives sighed audibly, then said, "Climbing roses. My mother had some just like 'em back when I was a little girl. They were her pride and joy. I always thought they were the prettiest things I ever saw. Just look at the color of those blooms/ *

Megan moved closer to the plants. "What are they for?"

Justin looked at her. The brim of his hat shaded his eyes, hiding his expression. His lips pulled into a straight line. "The house. I thought you'd like to plant them by the front porch. It's a little late in the year, but these are strong enough that they should survive. I thought they'd look nice wound around the railings." His mouth turned down at one corner. "I know I should have asked first, but I thought I'd surprise you. They're a wedding present."

She stared at the perfect blooms fluttering in the slight breeze, then at the handsome man waiting for her to pass judgment on his gift.

"They're beautiful," she said quietly.

He pushed his hat back, so she could see his eyes. The wariness there made her want to weep. No, it made her want to go to him and press her lips against his until he forgot everything but the wondrous feelings they always seemed to create between them. But the crowd of people around them reminded her they weren't alone. She would have to save her impulse until later.
