Page 30 of Tantalizing Tales

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His hand was at the top of her head, and he wasn't aware that he'd been holding her down until she began to raise her head. She glanced up at him, licking the white, gooey mess around her lips with a satisfied smile. "So good," she murmured.

"What did I fucking do to deserve you?" Reid asked, not really expecting an answer. He collapsed back onto the bed, feeling her light breaths against his wilted flesh. "And you want to give that up?" he teased.

Soft laughter filtered up to him. "Fuck, no," Alexis was quick to respond. She slowly crawled up his body. "I'm not giving anything up, husband." She yawned. The sparkle in her eyes suddenly turned serious. "I love you."

"Love you, too, babe." He meant it with everything that was in him. Alexis was everything to him. She completed him. He'd known that she was special the first time that he'd laid eyes on her over a year ago, and now he couldn't wait to begin the next chapter in their lives. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her flush against him, and then pulled the sheet over their bodies. "Go to sleep, baby."

Alexis’ snore revealed that she was already gone. He smiled, closing his eyes with contentment.

Ten months later they welcomed their first child, Anna Rose.

The End
