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I shook my head, trying to rid it of the negativity.

No.I couldn’t believe that was true of everyone; but Edrich had made it clear that, at least, he felt that way.

And now we were in the middle of the Enchanted Forest, fighting and unsure of how to move forward.

The anger writhing under my skin gave way completely to sorrow. I wasn’t sure how to convince Edrich to leave me here to continue my journey without him, without another argument. And yet, I couldn’t stop now.

Taking a deep, steadying breath I turned to face him again.

“Edrich, I—” I began, but he cut me off with a finger to his lips.

His face was ashen, his eyes wide. Somehow in my stewing, I hadn’t registered that we’d stopped moving, or that his heart was beating a different, more frantic sort of rhythm behind me.

Somehow, I’d completely missed the way the forest had gone silent—all save for Pepper’skakkingabove. Through the gaps in the trees, there were splashes of green and purple and white making their way toward us.

Edrich spun in a slow circle, revealing that we were completely surrounded. Hooded figures rode atop glistening white horses.

I ducked lower into his pocket, peeking out of the small opening where his button would go.

I rubbed my eyes to make certain I was seeing clearly.

Not horses.They were unicorns with glowing purple-and-green horns and manes.

It was rumored they had died off long ago, but here they were, at least ten of them. A small part of me wanted to hope that if they still lived, then maybe the fairies did, too.

But that feeling fled quickly as I took in their riders. I gulped as the fading light through the forest canopy caught on the sharpened steel the hooded figures brandished.Steel that is undoubtedly meant for our throats.

“Well, well, well… what do we have here?” The voice was raspy and hollow, sending shivers down my spine.

“Outsiders.” This voice came from our right, and was just as unnerving.

“Supper,” said another.

Edrich’s body went completely rigid at that. He crossed his arms, and I could feel the tightening of his fists beneath them. When he spoke, his voice held none of the concern I could feel thrumming through his body. Instead, it was a more casual tone that replied to them.

“I don’t think that would be such a good idea, but you’re welcome to try. You know, if you’re desperate.”

My heart pounded in my ears, and I nearly collapsed. Surely, he was baiting them. He was probably used to this sort of thing. We’d be fine.Right?

A few laughs came from beneath the green hoods, and the unicorns huffed and stomped.

“No? Give us a good reason not to,” the first hood spoke, again.

Edrich forced a sigh.

“Do you know what this is?” He pulled out some sort of talisman from around his neck and displayed it to the full circle. It was a bronze circle, inlaid with a sword and shield.

A few of them gasped and looked to their leader before he laughed.

“I see that you do. Then you’ll know what I am and that I never travel alone.”

A few more chuckles sounded, but they edged closer.

“You may carry the symbol, but you’re no realHuntsman. We can smell your fear.”

Edrich tucked the talisman away and shifted slightly on his feet.

“If that’s a risk you’re willing to take, then so be it.”
