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He only shrugged.

“Maggie must just be used to me.”

I looked between Maggie and Pepper, an idea forming in my mind. Just as I opened my mouth to speak, Rumplestiltskin cut in.

“You don’t know the first thing about Ellaria, Boy.”

My thoughts must have been written on my face.

“But I know a thing or two about recon,” I shot back. “And besides, we need to get to her quickly if there is even a chance she’s in danger. I doubt Pepper will consent to carry you.” I brushed aside any trepidation I had at being held in the falcon’s talons… or tumbling from her back mid-air.

“I knew you were stupid,” he said, like he could read my thoughts. “But you can’t honestly tell me you expect to ride a bird without so much as a saddle?”

“I’ll do whatever I have to do, to get to her,” I told him, earnestly.

He looked at me for a moment, his usual scorn absent from his reptilian features. Then, he blinked, something like guilt replacing his assessing glance. “I didn’t have a chance to tell her everything before she left.”

I blinked. “You mean, there’s more than the whole,your parents didn’t abandon you and you’re actually the princess of a race most people don’t even think exists, thing?” I was half joking, but the serious expression on his face stopped me short.

Whatever he wasn’t saying, I could see in his swirling black eyes that he thought it would be the truth to break her.



Gentle sunlight pulled me from the few hours of reluctant, fitful sleep I had managed to wrangle. The bed was beyond comfortable, but being alone with my thoughts for the first time in days wasn’t as peaceful as I might have hoped.

I told myself that was the only reason, not because I missed Edrich’s even breaths beside me, or his stoic, comforting presence. Certainly not after I had been humiliated when nothing turned out to be what I thought it was.

I tried to wrap my brain around that. A lifetime worth of friendship… could he possibly have been faking all of it?Does it even matter now?It’s not like we would be in each other’s lives anymore, not if I made my life here.If that is even an option.

A light knock on the door interrupted my latest maelstrom of thoughts.

“Come in.” I sat up in time for the queen to enter, carrying a silver filigree tray, laden with food.

I couldn't get over the way everything here was the right size. I was so accustomed to drinking out of larger cups and taking small bites of huge portions of food. On her tray was a porcelain teacup small enough for me to lift with one hand, and a croissant I could eat without making a flaky mess.

My stomach growled at the scent of perfectly portioned sausage, and the queen gave me a tentative smile.

“I thought you might be hungry.”

“Starving,” I admitted.

“And, if you would like… ” Her smile faltered. “While you eat, I will tell you what transpired all those years ago.”

I had thought about this last night, weighed the pain of knowing against the frustration of living in ignorance.Again.So I was ready for her question?ready to nod my assent.

“I would appreciate that very much,” I told her, truthfully.

She set the tray down in front of me, and I made myself a plate while she settled into a green velvet armchair.

“My husband was born the second son to the king of Thandria. Things are different there. It was not so strange for him to find his bride among commoners.” She gestured to herself with a half-smile. “To marry for love rather than position. We were happy there, for a time.”

I couldn’t quite see where my family, my kingdom, fit into any of this yet… but something in her tone told me that, maybe, I didn’t want to know. Still, I didn’t stop her.

“Not long after our first child was born, there was an attack on our people, from a kingdom north of us.” She looked cautiously over to where I had frozen with my teacup halfway to my lips. “One known for its brutality. There were devastating losses.” Her voice cracked on that last word.

“So we joined together with a kingdom from the far east to ensure it would never happen to anyone again. Because of the loss we had suffered at their hands, it was decided that my husband and I would rule the conquered kingdom.” She paused then, waiting for me to put the pieces together.
