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“He—he left. He seemed to think that you were going to take Lark up on his offer.”

“What?” My chest felt too tight with all the things I hadn’t gotten to say to him. “When?”

“A few minutes ago—” she started, but I didn’t stay to hear the rest.

Panic gripped me as I made my way through the twirling fairies on the dance floor, pushing past the dining tables and lavish decorations. One thought lingered in my mind as I raced out the doors and down the hall, having no clue which direction he’d gone in.

I need to find him. I need to tell him the truth.

I raced down the corridor and toward his room, praying that he would still be there, that maybe he planned to change out of his suit before leaving. That maybe, somehow, he’d be waiting for me there. To say goodbye, to change his mind. To give me a chance to explain.Anything.

What if he’s already gone?

If I had to go after him, chase him through the Enchanted Forest, I would.

I had to believe there was still time to fix this.



Iwas already in my room, halfway through pulling my bowtie off, when something Lina said the night before stopped me short.

Didn’t you think I deserved a say?

Sure, she hadn’t told me about her engagement… I told her I didn’t want to make the same mistakes again, to choose for her.But, isn’t that exactly what I’m doing?

Was it fair for me to decide what was best for her without even giving her all the facts? I couldn’t give her the life the prince could, but didn’t she get to make that call?

If I left now, I would be every bit the idiot Rumplestiltskin thought I was.

Am I really too much of a coward to risk my damned pride by telling her the truth before I give her up forever?

With that thought, I pulled my bowtie back in place and ripped open the door, prepared to sprint the short distance to the ballroom if I had to. Caught up in my thoughts and my hurry, I stepped out into the hallway just in time to plow into another, smaller person.


She looked as frantic as I felt, but it was hard to form words now that she was standing right in front of me.

“Edrich.” Her voice cracked as she said my name, staring up at me with expectant eyes.

She inched closer, her expression unsure as her fingers slid up the lapel of my tuxedo. She was so close I could smell the honeysuckle and lavender scent of her hair.

Before I could help myself, I leaned down, slowly, my nose brushing against hers in a silent question.

She exhaled a heady aroma of strawberries and champagne, and all I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss her.

My lips brushed against hers and she didn’t back away.

“Don’t marry the prince.” I whispered against her mouth.

She hesitated, for the slightest moment, before pulling her eyes to mine, and shaking her head ever so slightly.

“I don’t want him, Edrich. I want you.Onlyyou.”

Grabbing the lapels of my jacket, she pulled me the fraction of an inch closer, completely erasing the space between us.

Energy bolted between us like a frenzied storm when her lips moved against mine. Her teeth grazed my bottom lip, sending a bolt of lightning right through me. I didn’t want to pull away, but I had to.I need to know that this is real.
