Page 31 of Of Glass and Ashes

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When there is no one left inside but me and the Pillagers, I toss a large bottle ofskull thornthrough the kitchen door into the main room. It doesn’t take long for the poison to activate, causing a fog to sweep through the area.

One by one, they fall, paralyzed. Their eyes flutter with shock, and I’m sure they’re wondering what’s happening to them.

At least, I hope they do. I hope they’re half as terrified as their victims no doubt were.

When the fog dissipates, I enter the main room and remove a bottle of distilled turpentine from my satchel, sloshing it on the floors, the tables, and even the men.

Especially them.

Next, I walk a slow, taunting circle with a different bottle. This one is actually for containment, to keep the fire from spreading to the rest of the slums.

But the men don’t know that.

“I’d wager you’re all feeling rather helpless right about now,” I croon to the slavers.

There are a few answering moans that I take to mean yes.

“Good,” I reply, staring down at one man in particular.

His eyes go wide with panic.

“I hope you feel just as defenseless as every single one of the children you stole and sold. I hope you remember each of their faces before you die.”

There are several sharp intakes of breath, and more than a few tears.

“Can’t do this.” One upstanding gentleman manages to force a few words out, slowly. “Under Madame’s protection. The Flame will come for you.”

I walk over to him, leaning down close, whispering the last words he’ll ever hear in a voice even colder than my dearMother’s.

“No.” I shake my head. “The Flame has already come for you.”

His eyes widen in shock, and I straighten out to finish my work.

The sobs start when I light my matchstick. They know who I am now.

They know that the vigilante leaves only ashes behind.

I would be lying if I said it doesn’t give me a perverse pleasure, letting them in on my little secret just before I drop the match to the floor.

Flames roar to life, latching on to the trail of liquid all around the room. Then I walk calmly out of the tavern, closing the door behind me and leaving them to their fates.

Darkness settles over me like a thick blanket in the alley where I watch the building burn. A loud explosion sounds and another and another, with each bottle of liquor the flames come in contact with.

It’s a shame, really, so much liquor going to waste.

I don’t flinch as glass from the windows explode and rain down in the middle of the road. It’s familiar now. A sound that reminds me that the men dying inside will never hurt anyone ever again.

Smoke billows from the windows and chimney, sending up a signal to anyone watching that I’ve been here. It’s time to go.

My only regret is how quickly this will all be over.

They deserve so much worse.

But this is the only justice I can give Jessa.

I am turning away from the fire at last when movement from the shadows at the perimeter catches my eye.

Someone is coming.
