Page 63 of Of Glass and Ashes

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It feels strange to be stepping back into her plans so quickly, but I don’t have much choice. I can’t afford to upset her again.

Zaina might be gone, but Mel isn’t.

I suddenly hate myself for never responding to her letter, because she’s right. We’re all we have now.

And I will do whatever I have to in order to keep her.

* * *

My mind is brimmingwith information by the time I lug myself up the marble stairs to bed. I’m nine steps in when the hairs stand on the back of my neck. I don’t need to turn around to know that Damian is following me.

He studied my every word and movement during Mother’s tutelage with a speculative gaze, and I’ve been waiting for him to approach me ever since.

I speak without glancing over my shoulder.

“Will you be accompanying me all the way to my chambers? I must say how grateful I am to have such a loyal, albeit rabid, dog to make sure I arrive there safely.”

Damian’s shadow draws closer, completely overtaking mine.

“You speak so freely for someone who is a traitor to the woman who has given her everything.” His tone is neutral, but I swear I can detect a note of amusement.

My heartbeat picks up speed, and I start to see stars.Has he found me out? Did he see me there last night? Did he see me with Remy?

“I think you have confused me with yourself,Brother,” I respond quickly before he can sense my panic. “What in the bloody hell could I have done that you could possibly deem traitorous?”

I round the next curve of the winding staircase, not daring to slow my pace.

His low chuckle sounds behind me, and I resist the urge to shiver.

“I would imagine setting fires to Mother’sfriendswould fall into that category,” he says, and I nearly trip over the next step.

“Right, because that would make sense.” I roll my eyes with feigned confidence. “One of her daughters, single-handedly destroying the empire she helped to build? You’re reaching, Damian.”

I reach the landing at the top of the stairs and lift an arm to open the door when rough fingers grab hold of it in a bruising grip.

I raise my bored gaze to meet Damian’s, not giving him an ounce of satisfaction by getting a response from me.

“This entire time, I knew something was off. But I know the truth now,” he says, leaning down closer to me. “I know it was you,Vigilante.”

His words are like tendrils of ice creeping down my spine, but I can’t let him see that. So, I glare right back at him with more indignation than I have a right to bear.

“First of all,” I begin, looking at where his hand still has my arm in a firm hold, “you have three seconds to let go of me before I rid you of whatever pathetic manhood you claim to possess.” I twist the dagger I’d pulled from a secret pocket of my dress a little more into his groin.

He loosens his hold but doesn’t let go.

I push the blade even farther, feeling the give of the fabric on his trousers, and he lets his hand drop.

“And secondly, you have no proof to back up these ridiculous claims—”

Damian cuts my words off when he holds up a couple of tarnished, sooty throwing stars.My throwing stars… that I left at the fire.

I will my thumping heart to calm. A moment of weakness is all he needs to go to Mother.

“It’s interesting, is it not, that I could have sworn I’d heard your voice last night, right outside of one of Mother’shul gildistributors.”

“Obviously, the fire destroyed more than just your disgusting face, Damian. We both know I don’t deal with the distributors anymore,” I say flatly, but Damian continues on as if I haven’t spoken.

“But I was patient. I waited until the embers were gone, until the guards’ backs were turned before I went inside to investigate. I found these.” He examines the weapons slowly. “How very coincidental. Mysister’sfavorite weapons sticking out of several of the men.
