Page 108 of Malibu Heat

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Just being out of the house was a relief.

And it felt good to be in his car.

His head even seemed to be clearing.

Pressing the remote control, he looked in the rear view mirror and watched the garage door roll up. But as he backed into the street, heavy rain splashed against his back window blocking his visibility.

It was late.

There’d be no-one on the street.

He accelerated.

There was a hazy splash of light, then suddenly he slammed into something.

He hadn’t buckled his seat belt, and the jolt sent him flying forward, slamming his head on the windshield. Though the impact hadn’t hurt him seriously, it instantly sobered him up. Climbing unsteady out of his car, he discovered he’d crashed into a stretch limousine.

“Perfect fucking end to a perfect fucking night,” he growled under his breath.. “What’s the third fucking thing going to be? Am I going to get struck by fucking lightning?”


JENNIFER, SHAKEN BUTunhurt, took in several deep breaths.

“Are you okay, Miss Olsen?” the driver asked, leaning over the back of his seat.

“Yes, fine.”

“I’ll step out and check on things.”

But as he climbed from the car, she lowered her window and stared into the black, wet night. It took a minute, but she spotted a man leaning against his car in the torrential downpour. She suddenly realized it was John Stanley.


He didn’t hear her.

“John!” she called again. “It’s me, Jennifer.”
