Page 109 of Malibu Heat

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A moment later, to her relief, the driver appeared.

“Andrew,” Jennifer yelled, glad she remembered the chauffeur’s name, “bring him in here.”

As the driver helped John to the limousine, Jennifer moved across the seat to make room.

“He seems okay,” the driver declared as John managed to climb in. “Just a graze on his forehead.”

“Move his car back into his garage if you can,” she said as John let out a heavy moan. “My God, you’re soaked,” she exclaimed. “Are you hurt? Can we get this jacket off you?”

“I don’t think so, and thanks,” he grunted as she helped him struggled out of the coat. “You’re a lifesaver. Literally.”

“You’ve got a bump on your forehead. Should I take you to an emergency clinic? The one here will be closed, but we can go into Santa Monica or up to Ventura.”

“Damn, Jennifer. I’m sorry I hit your car. I’ve had a helluva night.”

“Is that why you didn’t you come to the party?”

“Jen, my wife’s walked out,” he said, quickly fabricating the story, “but I can’t go into details, not yet. I just wanted to get out of the house for a drink.”

As Jennifer studied his anguished face, she had to admit he bordered on handsome. She’d never really eyed him as a potential candidate, but a rumor was circulating that Jerry Goldman had unofficially appointed him as his heir apparent. It wouldn’t be long before John Stanley was head of Continental Pictures.

“She left you? John, that’s terrible. I’m so sorry.”

“Everything was going so well,” he groaned. “Jerry has me in line for big things, my projects are going well, but now this has happened. I can’t blame her though. She didn’t understand the demands of my work, and she never felt she belonged. She was just a girl from Texas when I married her, and she still is.”

“You poor baby,” Jennifer crooned, the words,in line for big things, rolling around her mercenary brain. “Why don’t you come home with me and spend the weekend. You shouldn’t be alone. Besides the sad personal stuff, you might have a concussion.”

John looked at her.

“Back to your place in Trousdale? I couldn’t.”

“Of course you could,” she purred, leaning in and pressing her expensive breasts against his arm. “What you need is some TLC.”

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe I could use some sympathetic female company. Let me go inside and pick up a few things, but I’ll need to come back here on Sunday afternoon. I promised Stella I’d be gone by Sunday night.”

“That’s no problem. I have five cars. You can take my Mercedes wagon. In fact, use it until your car has been repaired.”

Smiling, he kissed her on the cheek.

“Jennifer Olsen, you’re a star.”

“I know,” she quipped with a wink. “Take Andrew with you in case you feel faint or need help with your bag.”

“Uh, thanks, but I’ll be okay, and I need to get out of these wet clothes.”

“At least take this umbrella.”

“That I’ll do,” he said gratefully.

* * *

CLIMBING FROM THE CAR, feeling unsteady on his feet, he moved as quickly as he dared through the rain into the garage, and back inside his house. Retrieving some wrinkled, but clean clothes from the dryer, he was changing when Luke lumbered in.

“What’s goin’ on?”

“I was about to look for you,” John said nervously, then hastily explained the accident.

“The long and short of it is, I’ve been invited to stay at my friend’s home, but I’ll come back on Sunday afternoon and clear out my things.”
