Page 11 of Malibu Heat

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Tia bristled, then glared at him and didn’t move. He marched up to the net.

“You have three-seconds to serve,” he said frowning at her. “If you don’t, I will put you over my knee, and that’s a promise.”

* * *


Not the tennis game, the other game.

TheI want you, do you want megame?

He watched her closely, looking for the subtle signals that would tell him she was drawn to his kinky invitation.

“I can’t serve if you’re standing here at the net,” she exclaimed brusquely.

Grinning, he trotted back and took up his position. Throwing the ball in the air, she brought her racket down with force. It traveled down the center line and bounced high over his head.

“Concentrate. You can get those!” she called facetiously.

Tony’s lips curled in a wicked grin.

“You are a very cheeky lady,” he called back, then laughed out loud at his private pun.

They continued to play, but the lesson became more about flirting than tennis. In the last ten minutes he picked up the pace. Tia rose to the occasion. By the end of the session they were both hot and sweating.

“Do you want to stay and shower here?” she asked as they walked off the court.

He rarely had trouble picking up cues, but she wasn’t as transparent as most. He decided to accept the invitation and see where it led.

“Thanks Tia. That would be great.”

They headed silently up to the house, but as they approached the back door, she stopped.

“Tony,” she began, a pink tinge moving across her face, “I’ve heard you actually do that sometimes.”

“Do what?” he asked, feigning ignorance.

“Use a little extra—uh—motivation.”

Tony laughed. Motivation. She couldn’t bring herself to say the word.

“You mean spanking?”

“Uh—yeah,” she answered, abruptly stepping inside. “Is it true?”

“It certainly is,” he replied, following her. “Do you think it might help you?”

She turned to face him.

“The bathroom’s through there,” she said, pointing down a short passage. “When you’re done, if you want you can join me by the pool for some lunch.”

“Tia, you didn’t answer me.”

“Maybe,” she replied softly.

He grabbed her ponytail.

Gasping, she stood stock still.
