Page 113 of Malibu Heat

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“Please will you make love to me?”

Swiftly moving her onto the bed, he positioned her on all fours, then kneeled behind her, grabbed her hips, and plunged into her passage. Gripped by unexpected, intense fervor, he began thrusting with strong quick strokes. As she cried out and threw back her head, he knew she was caught up in the same frenzied passion.


Quickening his pace and digging his fingers into her skin, he was shocked to feel his climax already looming.

“Come for me,” he growled. “Come for me now.”

Only seconds passed before her wild wail hurtled him into his release. As the sparkling spasms fired through his loins, he squeezed his eyes shut and surrendered. But they passed as quickly as they’d taken him. Sucking in deep breaths and willing his heart to settle, he glanced out the window just in time to see a bolt of forked lightning over the water.

He’d been struck.

His days of teaching tennis were over.

And he was finally with the only woman he wanted.


THOUGH TIA HAD BEENanxious in the hours leading up to the fashion show, when she saw the reaction of the onlookers as the models glided down the catwalk, her nervousness changed to excitement. When it was over, she and Stephanie had been surrounded by people wanting to know where they could buy the lingerie, and asking if they could place orders. As the admiring fans finally thinned out, Stewart invited Jerry and Tia to join him and Stephanie at their house for a celebratory nightcap.

“I’ll meet you all in the foyer. I need to find Stella,” Stephanie declared. “I think I saw her in the other room. I won’t be long.”

Walking quickly into the formal lounge, Stephanie found Stella sitting alone at the bar drinking a glass of champagne.

“Hi, Stella. Tia and Jerry are joining Stewart and me at the house. Do you want to come home with us?”

“No, thanks, I’ll make my way back later.”

“If you need me to pick you up, just call. It’s a nasty night out there.”

“I might just crash in the suite the models were using. I’m sure Matt won’t mind,” she remarked, looking across the room at him.

Grinning, Stephanie leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

“Thanks for your help tonight, we couldn’t have managed without you, and I’m so happy John has seen sense and is letting you go. I’m still surprised, but I guess you can never tell about people.”
