Page 12 of Malibu Heat

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He knew her heart was thumping.

He leaned in.

Her eyes closed ready for his kiss.

But he moved his lips to her ear.

“I will be happy to put you over my knee, bare your gorgeous ass, and spank you until you’re squirming, but when the time comes, you’ll have to ask, and ask nicely.”

* * *

TIA REALIZED SHE WASholding her breath, and she felt strangely faint. As Tony pulled back, and his warm brown eyes stared into hers, try as she might, she couldn’t shift her gaze. Then he suddenly released her and wordlessly headed off towards the bathroom. She watched him, admiring his wide shoulders and panther-like stride. Finally gathering her wits, she hurried away.

He was hers if she wanted him, but he’d led her into unchartered waters. Taking a deep breath, she started up the stairs, but the home phone rang. Grateful for the distraction she hurried to answer.


“Tia, it’s Stephanie.”

“Hi, Steph, how are you?”

“Bored. Stewart was off early again this morning.”

Tia liked Stephanie. Though her husband represented some of the biggest names in Hollywood, she was easy to be around and unpretentious.

“Why don’t you come over for lunch? Tony’s here. I’ll ask him to stay.”

“Perfect! Is thirty-minutes okay?”

“Fine, and I’ll try to reach Stella,” Tia continued. “I’ve got bucketfuls of Chinese Chicken Salad from Roma’s. I gave Vera a couple of days off for her daughter’s wedding. I thought it would feed me until she gets back.”

Stephanie laughed. Vera was the resident chef at the Goldman house. Cooking was not Tia’s forte.

“Sounds great, I’ll see you shortly.”

The call ended, and Tia trotted up the stairs to her bedroom.
