Page 122 of Malibu Heat

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“I feel very happy. No, strike that. I’d feelvery,veryhappy.”


STEPHANIE HAD RECEIVEDa generous offer from a friend of Jerry’s to finance Lucious Lingerie, but the agreement had been sitting untouched on her desk for days. Popping his head into her sewing room, Stewart asked why she hadn’t signed it. She hesitated.

“Steph...? Is there a problem?”

“I’ve been giving this a great deal of thought. The thing is, we’re happy, really happy, and I don’t want to do anything to screw it up.”

“I thought designing those amazing garments is your dream,” he said, puzzled by her change of heart.

“It is, but right now I sew what I want, when I want. If Luscious Lingerie becomes as successful as everyone predicts, it could change things. Let’s face it, itwillchange things.”

“What are you saying?”

“We come first.Youcome first. I want to go back to my original plan and have a boutique here in Malibu. Do you have any idea how many orders I have sitting on my desk?”

“You mentioned they were coming in, but—”

“Twenty-seven, and I get calls every day. I think I’ll have enough money soon to look for a retail space.”

“Stephanie, where do I start?” he said, smiling and shaking his head. “Every now and then you do something that reminds me why I married you in the first place. You’re one in a million. Can your humble husband be a part of this? I’ve been thinking you should have a line of sexy boxer shorts...and,” he continued, lowering his voice, “bondage wear.”

“Yes, yes, yes! I’d love to do that,” she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. “I can make leather outfits for him and her. I’m so glad you understand,” she said gratefully. “I’ll call Tia and ask if I can stop by her place tomorrow. I just hope she’ll forgive me.”

But it was Tia who surprised Stephanie.

The following morning, when Stephanie started to explain why she needed to back out of their big plans, Tia interrupted her, and announced she and Jerry were trying to have a baby.

“I can do a couple of photo shoots now, but once I’m pregnant that won’t be possible, and when the baby comes I won’t want to leave it for a second.“

“Tia, that’s wonderful news, and talk about serendipity. Sometimes fate smiles on us, and things fall magically into place.”

* * *

STEWART WAS IN THEthroes of planning their wedding and a honeymoon in Paris when he received a letter from his mother. Astounded, he waited until Stephanie was at his side, then anxiously opened the envelope and unfolded the piece of paper.

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