Page 13 of Malibu Heat

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SEVERAL MILES AWAYon Malibu Road, Stella Stanley backed her BMW Roadster carefully out of the driveway. The brand new, gleaming red sports car purred, and Stella sank into the enveloping leather seat. Her father had given it to her for her birthday and she loved it. John had provided her with a two-door, beige, economy car, saying they needed to conserve money.

The flashy new BMW had arrived on a tow truck. She’d been shocked and thrilled, and while John had made all the right comments, she knew he’d resented her father’s grand gesture.

But as the days passed, she’d stopped caring. The man she’d married was turning out to be selfish, mean-spirited, and controlling. She wasn’t going to let him ruin the joy the car had brought to her life.

After her early morning bickering with John, she needed to get out of the house. Driving down Pacific Coast Highway brightened her mood, but she was suddenly shocked by a horrifying thumping sound, and the car violently swerved. Though she struggled to maintain control, she finally managed to pull to the side of the road and stop. Her pulse racing, she climbed out and discovered she’d had a blowout on her front left tire. Cursing under her breath, she snatched her phone from her bag.

The dealership informed her help was on its way, but it would take at least an hour. Sitting back behind the wheel, she tuned into her favorite country station, closed her eyes, and savored the warm sun on her face.

The soft, crooning voice of Bobby Lee washed over her. He was a country music sensation, and she adored him. His latest hit was about finding the love you’d always hoped for. Just as the song was about to end, someone touched her shoulder. Startled, she spun around, then let out a breath and smiled. It was her friend and neighbor, Stephanie Baxter.

“Stephanie! Land sakes!” Stella exclaimed, stepping out of the disabled car and hugging her. “What are you doing here?”

“I was driving by and saw you. I’m having lunch over at Tia’s. She said she was going to try to reach you. Can you join us?”

“I’d love to, but as you can see my pony here is lame and I have to wait. The dealer has sent out help.”

“Cancel it. I’ll call Joe. He’ll come right over and take care of it.”


“At the gas station. He’s great. He’ll handle everything, and I’ll drive you to his garage when we leave Tia’s.”

“That’s fabulous, thanks, Steph.”

* * *

ASHORT TIME LATER, they arrived at the Goldman house. Tia was surprised and delighted to welcome Stella.

“Where did Steph find you? I called your house but your voice mail answered and I don’t have your cell phone number.”

“Believe it or not I had a flat tire,” Stella replied, rolling her eyes. “Steph found me stranded.”

“It must be fate,” Tia exclaimed. “Come on in. I’ve set everything up by the pool.”

As they moved through the house, Stella admired the elegant decor. She couldn’t make her home look the way she’d envisioned it when she’d first walked in. The task seemed impossible with the meager budget John had given her.

“Tia, I love what you’ve done. I wish I could make my home the way I want it. John keeps putting the brakes on my spending, and it’s not that much.”

“It’s a shame you can’t find a way to earn your own money,” Tia remarked as they stepped outside. “We should put our heads together and come up with something.”

“Your pool is so beautiful,” Stella said with a sigh. “Do you mind if I just sit there for a minute?”

“Of course not, stay there all afternoon if you want.”

While Tia and Stephanie settled into chairs at a glass top table underneath the protection of a large umbrella, Stella sat down on the edge of the pool. Slipping off her sandals, she let her feet dangle in the cool water, then stretched her arms behind her, threw back her head and closed her eyes.

* * *

AFTER FINISHING HISshower, Tony headed out to the landscaped grounds and spotted a beautiful, buxom blonde sunning herself.

“Hey, Tony,” Tia called, snatching his attention. “Come and join us.”

It wasn’t easy to pull his eyes away, but shifting his gaze from the gorgeous girl, he strode across to the table.

“Hi, Stephanie. How are you?” he asked, delighted to see her.
