Page 16 of Malibu Heat

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ACROSS TOWN IN HISCentury City office, Stewart ended a call thinking the world had gone mad. His famous clients were a breed unto themselves, and though he had a staff to deal with most of the issues, the clients looked to him when bigger problems came up.

Jennifer Olsen, one of his highest paid celebrities, had thrown another tantrum and walked off the set. She was starring inThe Tea Cup,a film that had all the earmarks of a blockbuster, but was turning into a bad dream on steroids. He had agreed to meet with her and the director first thing in the morning.

He sighed, stood up, and stared out his window. His office took up two floors and offered views of the golf course across the street. He often wondered why he’d never taken up the game.

“Time,” he muttered to himself. “No time, that’s why.”

But he loved the pressure, the board meetings, the decision making, his word deciding how many millions of dollars would be paid to one of his clients for a few weeks work. What he didn’t love were mornings he would leave Stephanie still sleeping. He’d still be wishing he was lying in bed with her long after he’d left the house. He kept promising himself he’d cut back. He just didn’t know how. Turning around and leaning over his desk, he buzzed his assistant.

“Yes, Stewart?”

The soft voice calmed him. Carol Beaumont had been with the company for many years. She’d been his father’s secretary, and when Stewart had stepped behind the desk, her help had been invaluable. To his joy and relief, she refused to retire.

“A cup of coffee, please.”

“Right away.”

“Thank you, Carol. And a couple of aspirin.”

His thoughts quickly returned to Jennifer Olsen, She was an extraordinarily beautiful, but difficult woman, whose expertise was turning a molehill into a mountain. He was sure John Stanley, the studio executive in charge of the project, would be furious about her latest tantrum.

He heard Carol’s gentle knock. Looking across to the door, he watched her enter carrying a small tray with a mug of coffee, some aspirin, and a plate of small cakes. Stewart smiled. It was just what he needed.

“Remind me to give you a raise,” he declared as she placed the tray on the coffee table.

“You just did,” she replied with a smile, “but I wouldn’t say no to another one.”

“You’re a gem, Carol. Thanks. It’s late. Go home.”

“It’s all right Mr. Baxter. I can stay if you need me.”

“You’ve been here long enough. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Very well, but don’t work too late.”

As she left, he moved across to the conversation pit, gratefully flopped into the comfortable couch, and sank into the cushions. Stephanie had found it for him. Picking up the aspirin and swallowing them down with a mouthful of coffee, he hoped when the problems withThe Tea Cupwere resolved he’d be able to take a few days off.

She deserved more from him, and still wished he’d given her a big, beautiful wedding. It had been quick and small and his mother had refused to attend. Though she was a stubborn woman who refused to accept Stephanie, he did his best to stay in touch.

But his life was full.

He enjoyed his work.

And he adored Stephanie.


He needed more time.

He glanced at his watch.

He had another script to review and a contract to go over before he could leave. Sighing, he picked up the mug, grabbed the small plate of cakes, and returned to his desk.
