Page 81 of Malibu Heat

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TONY VERDI SPRINTEDtowards his house. He took to the wet sand at least three times a week and jogged five miles, then raced home the last few hundred yards. He liked the solitude, the sound of the gulls, and he basked in the fresh air blowing off the Pacific. It also gave him a chance to ponder, and it was Heather who had consumed his thoughts.

The sexy, sassy, spoiled young woman could sing. Really sing, and the songs she’d written were still echoing in his head. She was pretty and had a great body, but she was also opinionated, and headstrong, though, if channeled properly, those qualities could help her climb to the top.

He had the time and the money to invest in her career. The question was, did he want to? He adored her, and he’d made it clear they were an item. Would managing her mess that up?

As he neared his house and spied her standing on his terrace, he broke into a smile. Her shimmering sandy hair was being flicked by the wind, and her nipples were sharp against her thin, tight t-shirt. She waved at him frantically, gesturing for him to hurry.

“Tony! Tony!” she said excitedly as he trotted up the steps, “I have some great news.”

“Hold on,” he panted. “I need to catch my breath?”

“No! Quick! Come inside, I have to tell you!”

“Okay, okay,” he muttered breathlessly, grabbing the towel he’d left on one of the deck chairs.

Walking into his house, he closed the patio doors behind him, and as he wiped the towel over his face she excitedly told him she’d be singing at Matt’s party in a room with great acoustics.

“Can you believe it? And he’s going to bring in people who can help me.”

“That’s fabulous, you must have caught him in a good mood.”

“He did seem really happy. Will you help me pick the songs?”

“Sure. I’m going up to take a shower. While I’m doing that, you can make me something to eat. When I come back down we can discuss everything.”

“Great, but, uh, what sort of something?”

“There’s a sliced loaf in the bread bin, and some chicken and other stuff in the fridge. Can you make me a sandwich?”

“That I can do! Just please hurry back.”

Pecking her on the cheek, he took the stairs two at a time and strode into his bedroom. He had stripped down and was about to step into the shower when his phone rang. Seeing it was Matt, he accepted the call.

“Hey, Matt, Heather you’re letting her sing at your party. That’s really good of you. Thanks.”

“It’s not a problem. That girl has some serious pipes.”

“You heard her?”

“I asked her to give me a quick audition and she blew me away, but what exactly did she tell you?”
