Page 82 of Malibu Heat

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“She said she’ll be singing in some kind of special room, and you’d have some folks there who might be able to help her. Is there more?”

“There sure is,” Matt replied solemnly. “I don’t know how involved you are with her, but you need to know this. She tried to blackmail me.”

“Oh, my God! How? What did you do? Is that why you’re letting her sing?”

“Yes and no. Prepare yourself. She let herself into my house and saw me with Marilyn.”


As Matt relayed the details of his conversation with Heather and how he’d neutralized her threat, Tony felt relief... and fury.

“Damn, Matt, that was quick thinking. Good for you, but I’m going to wring that girl’s neck.”

“That’s why I called. You need to put a lid on it, and quick. She’s crazy about you. I know she’ll listen, but besides my concern for Marilyn, if Heather pulls that shit on someone she shouldn’t—God only knows what might happen to her.”

“Hey, I hear you, I was just thinking exactly the same thing, and trust me, I’ll handle this.”

“Tony—there’s something else. Obviously I know who Marilyn is now, and I want to protect her. I realize I’ve only known her a short time, and this might sound crazy, but she really is very special to me.”

“I had a feeling you two would hit it off. We’re all looking for that special someone, and sometimes it happens fast. That thunderbolt thing. If I can help, just let me know.”

“You can. I need Marilyn’s address and phone number, and I’m going to start calling her by her real name. I won’t cause her any trouble, just the opposite.”

“I trust you, Matt, so yeah. Have you got a pen?”

* * *

WAITING IMPATIENTLYin the living room with a sandwich and glass of orange juice on the coffee table, Heather could hardly contain herself. When she heard Tony coming down the stairs, she jumped to her feet.

“Your snack is ready,” she announced happily, but the grim look on his face sent a shiver down her spine. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

“I just finished speaking with Matt. I know all about your despicable blackmailing scheme.”

The shiver became a hot wave of fear and humiliation.

“I can’t believe he told you,” she mumbled, staring at the coffee table. “He promised he wouldn’t.”

“Nothing can justify what you’ve done, and he told me because Stella is a mutual friend and he wants to make absolutely sure you don’t start spreading gossip about her.”

“But I told him I wouldn’t!”

“And I’m going to make sure of it.”

“Uh, what do you mean?” she asked as her stomach flipped.

“It means, I will only allow you to stay in my life, and consider managing your singing career, if you stop with your conniving bullshit. But I’m not sure that’s possible.”

Panic seized her.

“Tony, please don’t—”

“Be quiet,” he said sternly, holding up his hand. “I have to give this a great deal of thought. If I commit myself to your career it will be a big undertaking, and our personal relationship will be intertwined. After what you just tried to pull, I’m not sure I want either.”

Her heart thumping and fighting tears, for the first time in her young life, she was at a loss for words.

“I’ll help you pick out two songs, and we can decide what you should wear. After you sing, we’ll come back here and I’ll hear what you have to say, then I’ll give you my decision.”

“Tony, I promise to—”
