Page 24 of Fear is the Key

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I shook my head. “I don’t have anything.”

Noah snickered. “It's like they’ve forgotten what that is since Spring Break.”

“I only have a few assignments due this week, but yeah, it’s been a lot lighter than before,” Gavin said.

“Let’s just watch something here,” Noah offered.

Gavin waited for me to nod before sitting back down and patting the spot between him and Noah. I tried to relax as he put on a rerun of a show we’d all seen, but I couldn’t get rid of the fear and hurt.

Juliet couldn’t have been planted in our lives. I didn’t even know about my ability or the Society when I moved here. There was no way the AS could have. Not unless they knew about my mom. If they somehow tracked her after she left all the way to California and figured out that she had me before disappearing again.

There was no way. That was one conspiracy theory that was too far fetched to ever be real. So it comes down to only one realistic option, we were missing something. Juliet wasn’t a part of some seventeen year-long scheme. She was just a normal woman. Who was impossible to find.

There was an explanation. We would find it. Somehow.

Noah reached over and took my hand, giving it a squeeze before holding it on his thigh. A moment later, Gavin took my other. Their quiet reassurance was exactly what I needed. They didn’t push for an explanation or give empty platitudes. They were just there for me.

I closed my eyes and focused on the warmth coming from their palms. This was real. This was what mattered. I had them and Luca, Vince, and Sky supporting me no matter what came next. Even though it felt like I was on the verge of having my heart split open again by someone I trusted, I couldn’t give power to that fear. I couldn’t close myself off just to hide from being hurt. Dad loved Juliet, and I did too. I couldn’t act like that wasn’t true, so I couldn’t give up. I refused to accept inconclusive as the only answer. Dad and I deserved the whole truth.
