Page 73 of Fear is the Key

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“Eleven,” Sky replied among the others.

The higher we rose, the more the elevator emptied. By the ninth floor, there was enough space for me to step away from Sky and lean against the wall.

“This is us,” he said when the doors next opened, and I rushed out, grateful to escape. I didn’t want to have to take that trip again, but it was going to happen twice a day until we figured out who attacked Robert. That was all the motivation I needed to get to work.

We turned down the hall to the left and found Kelly’s office. She was the floor manager who would show us to our desks. Daniel explained she was similar to an office manager, tasked with organizing events, booking travel, and the day-to-day necessities to allow the departments on this floor to run smoothly.

Sky knocked on the open door, and a slender woman with raven black hair turned. “Hello, you must be Mr. Dunn and Ms. Callum. Welcome to the R and D floor. Sandra’s only been on maternity leave for three days, but my head is swimming with keeping up with the reception desk and my responsibilities.”

I grinned. “I’m happy I’m here to help.”

“And Matt would never admit it, but he’s like a chicken with his head cut off without his assistant. I don’t know what got into that kid’s head and made him think he needed to take off to Costa Rica for three weeks.” She shook her head and smiled. “We owe you a debt for agreeing to help out.”

Sky gave her a smile that had even me blushing. He sure knew how to turn on the charm when needed. “My pleasure.”

“Have you spent much time on this floor?” Kelly didn’t wait for our responses. “I’ll show you around and point out where you can find any supplies you may need.”

She walked at a near jog, giving us the quickest tour possible before stopping near a corner office. “This is our department head’s office, but he’s out. Matt works right here.” She pointed to the next office where a man was sitting at a desk staring at a computer monitor. She knocked gently before opening the door. “Matt, your temp assistant, Sawyer Dunn.”

“Good. You’re here.” The man turned his attention to us and waved Sky in.

Kelly led us back to the front near the elevators. “This is where you’ll sit.”

She went over the scheduling system, email provider, and telephone before wishing me luck. “I’m extension three-six-six if you need anything.”

“Thank you.” I watched her leave and let myself slump in the chair. At least Tessa was right about what they use. I didn’t have to worry about learning anything new while greeting people that walked in and answering calls.

All we had to do now was keep up the act and not get caught before we could investigate. So many people were depending on us. Not only Robert, and Sky’s family, but the Society. Whoever was behind this targeted Robert while he was on a Society mission. We had to figure out whether they knew that or if it was a coincidence.

What if it had been an AS attack? What if they were already moving in the U.S., and we hadn’t realized it yet? Suddenly, this felt more urgent than ever before. I needed to tell the guys we needed to take the possibility more seriously.
