Page 76 of Fear is the Key

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“Is this really necessary?”I knew I was complaining, but it was freezing out here and I wanted to go home and go to sleep.

“None of us want to be here, but we have to do this for her.” Luca said from a few feet away. I could barely make him out in the darkness.

We were lying flat on the roof of the building opposite Juliet’s apartment each holding binoculars. Luca had a sound amplifying device that wasn’t strong enough for me or Noah to use, but thanks to his special hearing he was able to make out some words.

“Who’s that?” Noah asked.

I lifted my binoculars and scanned her floor until I found what he was talking about. A man entered her apartment. “I can’t tell. She’s blocking him.”

She turned and made her way across the room, pulled the curtains shut just as he came into view so all I caught was grey pants.

“Anyone see anything?” I asked.

“No,” Noah groaned. “But I’ll bet you each a hundred bucks that’s not Avalon’s dad.”

I sat up, “Why do you think that?”

Noah held up his phone, “Cause he’s at home.”

I read the message from Gavin telling him that Ave called to tell him Juliet had lied to her dad. Well shit. Being a member of the AS was one thing, but if she was cheating on him, too, there would have to be some sort of retribution. She couldn’t get away with this.

“Shut up, both of you.” Luca’s brows were scrunched together as he scribbled down notes. I tried to read the words, but his arm was in the way.

Noah walked his hands back until he could turn and sit down. We’d been lying on our stomachs for nearly an hour and it felt good to finally move. We waited several minutes until Luca finally pulled off the headphones and sat the equipment down.

“What did they say?” I asked.

“It was hard to make out,” Luca scooted closer, “She turned on the TV to drown out the conversation.”

Noah’s brows shot up, “Normal people don’t do that.”

I nodded, “Only people that think they might be listened to.”

“I caught bits and pieces. At one point she told the man she didn’t want to.”

“Want to what?” Noah asked before I could.

“I’m not sure. She sounded upset when he insisted.”

“Is she okay?” I might not trust the woman, but I didn’t want her to get hurt either.

Luca nodded, “It didn’t sound like he was trying to do anything to her. More like convincing her to do whatever they had planned.”

“I wish we had more,” Noah stood and picked up his backpack, filling it with the gear we brought.

I put my stuff away and swung my bag over my shoulders. “Once again, we have inconclusive information.”

“That should just be her nickname at this point,” Noah shook his head making his curls flop into his eyes.

“We’re collecting all the pieces of a puzzle. We’ll figure it out eventually.” Luca said as he flipped his notebook closed.

I caught Avalon’s name written toward the bottom, but didn’t catch what it said in time. Had Juliet mentioned Ave? If so, why didn’t Luca mention it?

Maybe he was writing a note to himself. I blew out a breath and followed them to the door that led to the stairwell, looking forward to taking a nap in the backseat of Luca’s car on the way back home.

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