Page 28 of Seized By Magic

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Chapter 7

Fucking vampires.

I needed to learn how to create a mental shield to keep them from reading my thoughts immediately.

Sai sat up and eyed me. “Is that why the room is suddenly full of pheromones?”

“Yeah, but go easy on her. She’s about to start her period.” Niall dropped onto the couch like he hadn’t seriously crossed a line.

Theo sniffed. “Oh yeah, I should have realized that sooner.”

I looked around for something to chuck at his head.

“I hate all of you.” I turned and went back into my room, but before I could slam the door, Kaden was there with his dumb foot blocking the way.

“Come on, Saige. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. You being physically attracted to Niall is a good thing. It means he might actually have a chance since his personality won’t get him far with you.”

Niall grunted but didn’t argue.

“And remember, we’re shifters and vampires. We always have been. Our heightened sense of smell is as natural as yours is to you. We aren’t purposely trying to smell your cycle. We just can. If you don’t want us to mention it, we won’t.”

He looked over his shoulder and waited for the others to agree. “We definitely won’t tease you about it.”

That wasn’t a question for them, it was a demand. He continued.

“If anything, we’ll be sure to have your favorite snacks and treats on hand because we’ll know before you.”

That didn’t sound so bad. Also, no more surprises. My period wasn’t particularly regular, so it was a constant guessing game.

“If you could give me a heads up, that would be nice.”

He grinned. “We can do that.”

“Can you really smell pheromones?”

Sai and Theo groaned. “Yes.”

I cracked a smile before looking up at Kaden. “What does that mean?”

“You smell like mine and sex,” Sai admitted, before having the decency to look a bit guilty. “I mean, like, I want to claim you as mine.”

“And sex,” Kaden added without missing a beat.

“And do I always smell like that, or is it because of my . . . cycle?” I choked out the word.

“It’s the strongest right before you ovulate. It’s powerful right now because of your attraction to Niall,” Sai explained.

This was too much. I walked to my closet, not bothering to try to shut my door and fight Kaden back. I wanted to put on three layers in an attempt to cover whatever scent I was giving off. Where did it come from? My head? Hands? Glands? Could I cover it up?

“Don’t let them get to you. I promise this will all become normal to you too,” Kaden said, sitting on my bed. He’d closed the door, and while I should have felt nervous or uncomfortable, I didn’t.

I might not know him well in this form, but it was like my heart and soul recognized he was my hawk. My friend. My confidant.

“It’s going to take a while.” I found a pair of pajama pants and an oversized sweater I loved sleeping in before stepping into my bathroom and changing.

When I came back into the room, Kaden was still waiting. “Ready?”

I nodded, and we went into the living room where the guys were spread out with several bowls of popcorn and drinks, waiting. And that was the moment I recognized another awkward situation.
