Page 42 of Seized By Magic

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Chapter 10

Something felt off.

I was dragging my feet in the morning while getting ready and had to tell the guys to head down to breakfast without me so I didn’t make us all late.

Was it a cold?

I didn’t remember dreaming, so I was pretty sure I got enough sleep.

Bundled in a knit sweater, thick hoodie, jeans, and a beanie with my jacket’s hood up, I made my way to the history building through the tunnels. It was getting easier to navigate through the several turns, but it would take a few weeks to make it anywhere without having to stop at every intersection to check the arrows painted on the walls.

When I slid into my desk, Hannah, Daniel, Malik, Sai, Kaden, and Theo watched me. Along with the majority of the rest of the class.

Hannah leaned over before any of the guys could. “Are you okay?”

I tugged my jacket closer around me. How was she only wearing a sweater? It was freezing in here.

“Just feeling a little rough.”

Her brows creased, and she looked back at Sai, Kaden, and Theo sitting in the row behind us. “How long has she been sick?”

I continued to face forward, shivering under all my layers. They muttered behind me, but I didn’t have the energy to pay attention.

“Saige?” Daniel was sitting in front of Hannah and had twisted in his seat to face me. “Have you been taking the sleeping potion?”

I nodded. Every night for at least a week. The extra rest had been helping—until now.

“You should head to the health center,” he suggested.

“I’m okay.”

“No, you’re not,” Hannah argued. “He’s right. You need to get a potion for this.”

“For a cold?” I nearly snorted.

She smiled. “When was the last time you saw anyone in class sick?”

I couldn’t actually remember anyone coughing or sneezing around me.

“We have potions that cure practically anything. You don’t need to suffer through like you have in the past.”

Wait, they had a cure for the common cold and were keeping that to themselves? How rude.

“After class,” I argued.

“I’ll walk you over,” Sai whispered behind me. I nodded, letting him know I heard, and tried to focus on the lecture about a treaty between the vampires and a local community of monks in Germany that only lasted two years.

The moment class ended, Sai was at my side and took my bag from me. He put it over his shoulder before taking my hand and leading us through the tunnels to the health clinic.

It was completely different from what I expected, a bigger version of the nurse’s office at my last school.

No, this was more of an ultra-modern hospital. There was a front check-in area with two older students waiting with a wall of plants behind them, creating a soothing background and a break from all the white and silver. The waiting area held a few rows of white padded chairs, but no one was sitting. Hopefully, that meant we could get in and out of here quickly. I wasn’t in a position to fall behind in any of my classes.

But even the thought of making the walk back to the math building sounded impossible. Maybe I was sicker than I thought.

Sai helped me sit in one of the empty chairs and put our bags down next to me.

“I’ll be right back. I’m going to check you in.”

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