Page 59 of Seized By Magic

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“Niall.” I blurted when a common thread appeared.

He jerked and popped his head up. “Yeah?”

“Blood magic.”

He blinked a few times and looked around at the books scattered around the table. “Modern or historical?”

“No.” I shook my head and tapped on the open page. “Blood magic is the answer.”

His brows creased, and his icy eyes glared at me. “Blood magic is forbidden.”

“So are curses. I don’t think we can fight this by following the rules.”

He sat up and rolled his shoulders back. “Blood magic always requires a sacrifice.”

“Yeah, well, at this point, I’m willing to give anything to save Saige.”

He cocked his head. “Even your life?”

I didn’t have to even think about it. “Of course.”

He nodded. “Good. Let’s focus on that.”

He climbed out of his chair and disappeared into a row of shelves.

Blood magic was a form of dark magic, something the four of us weren’t experienced in, and I hoped to keep it that way. It was a slippery slope for witches. The spells and potions were rumored to be so much more powerful that coming back was nearly impossible. Once a witch felt that kind of power, it was too hard to give up.

I didn’t know of any witch that practiced, and I doubted we would be able to find someone here. It wasn’t like there was a website we could go to connect to dark witches. There were no classifieds offering their services and phone numbers.

Between me, Theo, and Niall, we could probably figure out the spell, but performing it would be dangerous and much more difficult than anything we’d ever done. If we messed anything up, the consequences could be dire, not just for us, but for Saige.

Niall returned with three thin books. “This is all the school has on blood magic.”

“I’m surprised they have anything at all.”

“They’re under lock and key,” he replied.

I eyed him, but he didn’t expand. “Have you been through these?”

“Yeah, I didn’t find anything about reversing curses though.”

“That’s not what we need.” I started to explain. “Your notes say blood spells work especially well with family members and bonded pairs because there’s an existing connection.”

He nodded.

“So my thought is that we find a generic spell or potion. Maybe something for healing or breaking. I’m not sure yet. But we can twist it with our intentions to break the curse.”

His eyes darted around the room. “It would require a sacrifice. A significant one.”

“That’s fine. There are four of us. We can split it.”

“Yeah, hopefully.”

He flipped through the first book, and I picked up the second. I skimmed through the spells without reading too many of the details. I didn’t want to know too much. I didn’t want to know what was possible. I wasn’t tempted by the dark arts, and I wanted to keep it that way.

I was nearly done when Niall closed his and went to our last option. We had to find something as a starting point.

A few minutes passed, and I was nearly finished without any prospects.
