Page 71 of Seized By Magic

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“Yeah.” I couldn’t do much about my greasy hair or wrinkled pajamas until I got back to the apartment.

I stepped outside, and she offered her hand. “We’re going to portal back to the gates. Then Mrs. Hedgings will walk you to your dorm.”

I glanced toward the door. “Should I say bye? Thank them?”

She shook her head, and I understood. They helped because they had to, not because they wanted to. If I was found out, their reputations would come under fire. They couldn’t let their friends know their own granddaughter was a hybrid.

“Okay.” I took her hand and stepped through the blue light, landing with her in front of the Drexel Academy’s gates.

“Saige,” Mrs. Hedging hurried toward me and wrapped me in a tight hug. “Oh, it’s so good to see you, my dear.”

I held onto her, soaking in her affection. I needed it after being dismissed by my own flesh and blood.

“Please, please watch after her.” Masie rubbed my back.

“I will,” Mrs. Hedgings promised after taking a step back and looking between us. “I will do all I can from my end to find who did this.”

Masie nodded. “I’ll be doing the same.”

She turned toward me and pulled me in for one last hug. “I love you, Saige. Please be careful. Trust your intuition, and trust your bond. They’ll protect you.”

I squeezed her tight before stepping back and following Mrs. Hedgings down the long path toward the dorm rooms. Knowing I’d been gone for over a week, but not remembering it, sent a strange feeling through me. I felt like I’d just awakened from a nap.

“I notified your teachers you were sick, so they excused you from the coursework. You’ll have to read over the texts and find notes to copy, but don’t worry about making up any assignments.”

“Thank you.” I was shocked my teachers were allowing that—especially with how far behind I was compared to my peers—but they must understand the extenuating circumstances. “Does anyone know about the bond?”

She shook her head. “Not that I’m aware of. The others were warned not to mention it and to go about their normal routines to not draw attention to your absence. I’m sure any rumors about you and your mates would have spread wide and far by now. Even an old-timer like myself would have heard.”

I smiled at her joke, but it didn’t completely ease my worries. I needed to hear from the guys and Hannah that our secret was still safe.

Sleeping through the danger made this all feel surreal, but it didn’t change the fact someone had cursed me. Someone wanted to hurt me or separate me from the guys.


I didn’t have enough time to consider possible answers before Mrs. Hedgings stopped in front of Phoenix Hall.

“Let me know if you need anything. We can pick up with our Saturday lessons when you’re ready.”

“Thank you.” I glanced around, making sure no one saw me walk into this dorm building.

Returning to our apartment felt a bit anticlimactic. Why didn’t any of them meet me? They could have at least waited down in the common rooms. Did they not care?

I stared at the door and debated going to Hannah’s room instead, but it was late, and I didn’t want her roommate to listen in.

I knocked and waited. I couldn’t hear anything. Were they sleeping? It wasn’t that late, but maybe they didn’t know I was coming.

Before more self-doubt could creep in, the door swung open, and Sai pulled me into his arm, slamming it shut behind me. “You’re here. You’re actually here.”

His grip tightened, pinning my arms to my sides. He kissed the top of my head over and over, grasping my shoulders and stepping back to examine me.

“I can’t believe you’re really here. How do you feel? Are you okay? Any residual side effects?”

“Let her breathe.” Theo stepped between us and put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side while leading us into the living room.

Kaden and Niall stood on opposite sides of the space, and I felt my body warm under all their attention.

“So, how are you feeling?” Kaden asked.
