Page 89 of Severed By Magic

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I opened my eyes and found her staring at me with a little grin on her lips. “Relax.”

“I want to touch you too.”

She hesitated. “Can’t you . . . tell?”

Was something wrong? I tried to sit up on my elbows, but she pushed me back. “Tell what, baby?”

Her eyes dropped, though her hand was still slowly working me.

Talk to me. What’s wrong? Did something happen?

Oh, shit. Did one of the guys hurt her? I swear. I was going to kill them.

“I’m on my period, Kaden. I started this morning.”

I let out a huff of breath. That was all? I sniffed and realized her scent had changed. I should have caught it sooner, but I was a little distracted. “So?”

Her face reddened. “I don’t want to do anything.”

“It wouldn’t bother me.” That’s what sinks and showers were made for, cleaning up.

She shook her head. “It would bother me, though.”

“But you still want to do this?” I dropped my eyes to where her hand was teasing my tip, causing a spasm.

“Yeah, I really do.” To prove it, she pulled my boxers down enough to keep them from blocking her movements.

I fell back with a groan, and she picked up her pace. My mind went blank until all that was left was me and her.

Chapter 25

"She’s gone.” My grandfather leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on the wide conference table.

Everything around me faded away until I felt like I was floating in a state of nonexistence. This couldn't be real. None of this could be happening. I wanted to jump across the table and scream at my grandfather to stop lying. Why would he say those horrible things? Was he trying to hurt me? Was this payback for bringing the attack on his pack?



The guys repeated my name, slowly drawing me back into my body. I felt them shaking me. I pulled away, but their grip tightened until I fully came to and realized each of them had at least one of their hands on me, holding me up. Their grips loosened as they must have sensed me regaining my strength.

“I know it must come as a shock,” the Alpha started, but I didn't want to hear it.

“You're telling me after the fact. Why didn’t you tell me there was an issue? Where were your spies? Why didn't anybody know? Why didn’t the school stop them? There are trolls! There are guards! Why did nothing happen? How?” I dropped my face into my hands as I lost my voice to the emotions coursing through me.

My knees buckled. Theo lifted me and lowered both of us onto an office chair. He held me close to him as I broke down.

How could this be happening? I was in shock, and I wasn't handling this correctly. I didn't want my emotions to get the best of me, especially not in front of the Alpha or any of the pack members. I wanted to look strong, but there had been no preparation for this. No way of keeping my mask in place. Not when he’d just informed my best friend was missing.

Not only Hannah, but Daniel and Natasha were gone as well. It was a tiny comfort to know that Malik and Travis were still accounted for, but I knew how much they must be hurting and freaking out.

“You don't have any idea where they went? Who took them? Anything?” Niall asked.

“We assume it was the Council, but there's no way of proving our theory at this time,” the Alpha said in a detached voice. I could tell the difference now. This was the man I met at the airfield, the man who had taken charge the first day and faced the crowd after the attack.

This was the Alpha. The rest of the time, I’d been dealing with my grandfather and didn't even realize it.
