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“None taken.”

“So it could be that, but my guess is it’s the Faith thing,” Annabelle said, obliterating any calm Ryan had just regained.

“Shut up, both of you. We’re starting.”

“He’s testy,” Cubby said. “You look nice, Annabelle. And whatever you’re wearing, I can smell it from here.”

“In a good way?” Annabelle raised a brow.

“Yup.” Cubby nodded.

Faith arrived and placed drinks before them. He ignored Cubby’s foot nudging him and thanked her politely. She bent again, and he saw the valley between her truly superb breasts once more. He inhaled.Mistake!He could smell her now.

“Be fair yet gentle,” Faith said. “Mrs. C has outdone herself in her outfit selection for tonight.”

“I can’t wait,” Annabelle said.

Faith left, and Ryan did not watch her ass. Cubby leaned in and made kissy noises. Beside him, Annabelle drew a heart and put his and Faith’s names inside.

“You two are juveniles,” he snapped.

“Hi, judges!” The loud voice of Jed boomed from the end of the table. He wore bib overalls and a lime-green button-down shirt.

“All I ask is you give some thought as to what comes out of your mouth tonight, Jed,” Cubby said.

“Will do, Sheriff.” Jed was apparently not offended at all by Cubby’s words, as he was still smiling.

“God save us all,” Annabelle muttered.

Mr. Hope walked up onstage and made throat-clearing noises as he picked up the microphone. “Good evening.”

Everyone yelled their greeting back.

Ryan watched HRH stalk up to where he stood. She wore a black suit with a gray pinstripe and shiny black low-heeled shoes. Her hair was in the same style it had been since he’d been old enough to notice.

“Ah, Mrs. Henrietta Roberts Haigh would like to say a few words,” Mr. Hope said, looking nervous.

No one dared groan, but they thought it.

“All proceeds for the evening will go to building the facility, now we are no longer being thwarted at every turn.”

Ryan found his mom, who sat beside Mac. She wasn’t upset by HRH’s words; they’d been sparring for years.

Hope and Newman slipped in with the buggy. Newman urged his girl into a seat and then stood at the back of the room pushing the buggy back and forth. They’d had a robust debate about bringing Brody tonight due to his age and the noise. The resolution had been that they would come, listen, and if Brody was uncomfortable, they would leave.

Hope saw him and waved.

She looked better with each day that passed. The birth had taken it out of her, but Newman was making sure she rested, and Ryan was up there every day too.

“We want your money. Make sure you donate plenty of it,” HRH said with her usual tact.

“The woman has a softer side,” Cubby said.


“It’s there. You just have to look.”

“No way. She’s always been a hard-ass.”
