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Pep talk over, she tidied herself and left the room. Making her way downstairs, she slid behind the bar, smile now firmly in place.

“I won, Faith. You want to see my trophy?” Mikey came up to the bar.

“Let me see that.” She lunged over the bar and grabbed it. “Well hell, nice work, squirt.”

“Thanks. Shay stepped in to help me. Plus, Ryan had worked with me before too.”

Hero worship was written all over Mikey’s face in bold letters.

Annabelle appeared with Willow, Lucy, and Branna. “Let’s go. Noah said he’s taking over for the night.”

“Go where?” Faith asked.

“Anywhere. We have two bottles of fizzy stuff and freedom. Don’t ask questions, just move your butt.”

Mikey snickered.

“Now, Faith! I rarely get a night off,” Annabelle roared.

She was dragged out of the bar and was soon being towed out of The Howler.

“Do I get a say in this?”

“Do you want a say in it?” Branna asked.

“Not really.” In fact, a night with her friends sounded like bliss. Thinking of something other than Ryan for a while worked for her.

“Shut up, then.”

They all climbed in Annabelle’s SUV and headed out of town.

“Where are we going?”

“Macy’s boat.”

The trip wasn’t long, as nothing was in Lake Howling, and soon they were boarding the houseboat. She’d always loved this place. Loved the feel of the water rocking it gently. The inside had recently been refurnished for summer rentals. White walls, handcrafted cupboards and counters. Comfortable and homely.

“This should always be the place for girls’ nights,” Lucy sighed, turning in a circle.

“Agreed,” Branna said, dropping into a chair.

Wine was poured, and they sat around the table. Music played softly in the background, and Faith thought this was just what she needed. Time out with friends for girl talk. Nothing serious, just lots of laughs.

“So, Ryan. What’s the deal with you and him?” Annabelle asked.


“No deal.”

“Definitely a deal,” Lucy said.

Faith glared at her, but she simply smiled back.

“You guys in that room tonight,” Branna said. “The looks passing between you were sizzling, girl. That man wanted to devour you.”

“Have you?” Willow waved a hand.

“Have I what?”
