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“We grew up together.”

“He’s a good guy. Plus, there’s that ability he has to just not talk when he thinks nothing needs to be said.”

“Ha, yes, a skill he’s always had.”

More silence, but this one wasn’t as comfortable. They moved to one side as they passed a hiker. Faith recognized her as the woman from the bar the other night.

“Hi.” She raised a hand.

They acknowledged her with a smile before moving on.

“You and he seem closer than friends,” Shay surprised her by saying. “Sorry. I always speak my mind. I’m one of six children; you spoke up or got stomped on.” He laughed.

“We’re just friends.”


“No, really, we are.”

“If you say so. But Ryan is a really good guy who, in my opinion, is looking for somewhere to land.”

“I don’t understand.”

“He’s been restless lately and talked about Lake Howling a lot.”

“Yet he didn’t come back.”

“Only because he’s loyal to the band as well. He wanted to, but we do a lot of touring and promotional things.”

She thought about that and felt a small tug of guilt; she’d not really understood just how demanding Ryan’s life was.

“I sometimes think one day he’ll just say, ‘I’m done with LA’ and move. I don’t think he’ll leave the band, but just back away, you know? Leave the media frenzy that we get in LA.”

“Is it hard?”

“Harder on him, as he doesn’t like that kind of thing. I mean, he’s learned to live with it and have a public personality, but it takes its toll on him.”

“I bet.” The guilt increased.

“The first time I met him, he was playing in a bar in London. Guitar on his lap, he was singing. Just walked out on the small stage and sang. No introduction, and he never spoke, just played and then he left.” Shay laughed.

“He’s changed a lot, then.”

“He has. Now, I need to head back, as he’s taking me for a kayak. Thanks for the walk, Faith.”

“Enjoy your paddle, Shay, and thanks for telling me about Ryan.”

“Anytime. But seeing as I did, maybe you can tell me some of the things he did in his youth?” The Irishman looked hopeful.

“Sorry, the code.”

He shook his head. “You people are just plain weird.”

She laughed as he walked away, but the smile soon left her lips as she thought about what he’d said.I sometimes think one day he’ll just say, ‘I’m done with LA’ and move.Faith hauled in a deep breath. Was it possible that Ryan would come back to Howling and settle? The though made hope flutter inside her.

Stepping over a root, she cut off the track, singing to herself. Taking a shortcut down to where she’d exit to the rest home, she sang Ryan’s latest release. Faith didn’t hear anyone approach from behind her, but seconds later she was being propelled forward toward the trunk of a redwood.

Her scream filled the air, then pain exploded inside her head.
