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“I just reminded Ryan that he had a sister who needed him.”

“Faith….” Her brother’s warning fell away as he saw Hope.

“Hey, you, how are you now?” She stepped around Noah and went to meet her friend.

Hope’s eyes were red, and she looked tired, but that was to be expected when you carried a small person around with you all day in your tummy.

“Hey there, sweetheart.” Noah wrapped her in a gentle hug that had her sniffing again. “How you doing today?”

“I wish you were my brother, Noah.”

“You don’t really mean that. Ryan is a good guy.”

“He’s an asshole,” she muttered.

“No, he’s not. He’s a rock star who loves you but has a whole shit ton of other stuff to deal with. But in case you need a big brother, I’m here for you, which I believe I’ve told you many times, Hope. You know how it works in this town. We’re all siblings.”

He released her, and she waved her hand in front of her face. “Stop being nice. You’re gonna make me cry again.”

“Did I tell you that Kermit rang and wanted those tights back?”

Hope giggled.

“Much better. Now, you girls go and do what you need to. I got reception.” He kissed Faith on the cheek and hugged Hope again. His smile widened as he saw who was walking in the front doors. “Hey, baby.”

Lucy Dwight was Noah’s girl. Their love was deep, and Faith knew it would endure until their last breath. They were getting the happily ever after they both deserved. Lucy had lived a troubled life, and Noah had had his heart broken by a bitch. They’d healed each other.

Lucy jumped him and wrapped her arms around his neck, then kissed him loudly.

“They always do this kind of crap; it drives me crazy. Thankfully they are moving out soon, and I can walk about the place without seeing it constantly,” Faith said, scowling because it was expected of her. But deep inside, she was happy for them. Happy and just a bit jealous, and yes, scared.

She was no longer the most important woman in her twin’s life. Which was pathetic and small of her, especially as in Lucy she’d gained another sister. But she missed being the centre of someone’s world. Missed that they were always the one the other turned to.

You are a mean-spirited person, she silently lectured herself.

She didn’t want anything to change and loved Lucy totally and utterly, but her brother had found his HEA, and Faith had a feeling she’d be looking for hers from this life into the next one.

“Jealousy makes you ugly,” Noah said.

It certainly does.

A loud woof from behind them told her Buddy, Lucy’s dog, was pleased his mistress was here. He’d been a stray like her, as had the cat, Bandit, lounging in the front entrance in the sun.

Hope sniffed loudly.

“You cry again, and I’m not taking you for hot chocolate.” Faith levelled her friend with a look.

“I’m good,” Hope said in a high-pitched voice. “This baby just makes me mushy. I far prefer birds.”

The ridiculousness of the statement had them all laughing.

“So try not to ruin the place while I’m gone.” Faith pulled on her jacket and then nudged Hope out the door, leaving the lovebirds to continue falling all over each other.

They walked out the front door after acknowledging Bandit with a pat.

Lake Howling was a small town with a big heart. It was home, and while she’d never really had the urge to explore beyond its borders like some had, her feet had started getting itchy lately. She put that down to the fact her twin had his shit together in his personal life and she didn’t. But for the most part, she was happy to hang out here with her people all around her.

The air had a bite to it that promised to slide into the icy-cold months of winter. They would be stocking up on supplies and chopping wood for the fires over the next few weeks. But right now, an extra blanket was all she needed.
