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“So will you?”

“Will I what?”

“Get something signed for me?”

“Cynical untrusting woman that I am?”

Mikey left that comment alone.

“Okay. But first you have to help me with some things I need to pick up from the Roar,” Faith said.

“Why do I always have to be around when you need someone to carry stuff?” Mikey groused, following Faith to the general store, once again the teenager.

Ryan was standing at the counter talking to Mac, the owner, when they entered. His eyes shot to hers, but he didn’t smile.

Color flushed Mac’s cheeks as he looked at Faith. She remembered then what she’d seen him doing earlier. “Ryan’s going to be one of the judges for the talent show,” he said.

“If I’m in town I will,” Ryan added.

“Nice, the town will enjoy that,” Faith said, making Ryan frown. “Seriously,” she added.

His frown didn’t ease.

“So, Mac, you got that stuff I ordered?”

“Sure, Faith. I was just trying to get Ryan to buy some of that homemade soap I just got in. Good for the skin, so I hear, and in his profession, I’m thinking that’s important.”

“Totally agree. Ryan, you should buy a carton,” she said. “Acne would not be a good look on you.”

“I think you may need it more. I mean, I have my music, and that’s a draw card for women, so I don’t have to try too hard, but you….” He looked her up and down. “Truth is, you’re gonna lose those looks, and no man will have you then.”

Mikey made a choking noise, and Mac looked ready to explode with laughter, so he hustled out the back.

“You work with what you got, and I’m going for natural instead of chemical like you rich people,” Faith replied.

“Well now.” Declan O’Donnell appeared, tall, lean, and with Branna’s coloring, although his hair was graying. “Truth is, Faith’s got those natural looks that don’t age. Genetics from her heritage is my guess.”

“Thanks, Declan.” She shot Ryan a smug look.

“Ryan, how are you?” Declan held out his hand, and Ryan took it. “It’s a relief to see your singing has worked out for you, considering how bad you were at math.”

“For you and me both, Mr. O’Donnell.”

“You’re over twenty; you get to call him Declan now,” Faith said.

“Twenty is the start of adulthood? I did wonder,” Ryan said.

“Ryan, this is Mikey Tucker. Apparently, he’s a fan and wants you to sign his shirt,” Faith said, nudging him out from behind her. The boy made a sound like he was being strangled. “He’s just a man, Mikey. Nothing special. I’m sure Declan is way more famous.”

“Different types of fame.” Declan smiled. “And I completely understand why you’re overawed seeing Ryan, Mikey. He’s pretty awesome.”

“Aw, shucks,” Ryan said. He then took the two steps to where Mikey stood pressed to Faith’s side. “Hey there, Mikey. Hope told me about you. Said you were pretty good with a camera. How you doing today?”

His smile was gentle. Was it true? Had he done all those things for people like Mikey said? She thought maybe it was. The Ryan she’d known had been a good guy. Yes, he’d left her, but she’d always known he was going, and why. The shock had been that he’d left so soon after what they’d shared without saying goodbye.

Chapter 7

Ryan liked Macy’s cabin. Syd, however, he was still adjusting to. Although he guessed the little guy had a certain charm about him.
