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“A little service here!”

“I’m busy. Help yourself.”

Faith rolled her eyes. “I want you to serve me so I don’t have to. I get enough of that in The Howler.”

She heard a few curses, then he appeared. Shoulders like a linebacker, cropped short dark hair, and green-gray eyes. He wore a faded checked shirt and jeans. On his feet were the ever-present worn sneakers.

“You and your brother will be the death of me. Always wanting me to wait on you like I don’t have other crap to do.”

“I wait on you, to be fair.”

He leaned a hip on the counter while he thought about that. “Point taken. What’s your poison?” His eyes found Hope. “How’s she doing?”

“Ryan’s not coming home, and you know how excited she’s been about that.”

His expression darkened. “I bet that’s hit her hard.”

“Really hard. I may have served him up when she went to the restroom.”

“May have?”

Faith leaned closer. “He may have called when Hope left her phone with me. I then may have told him he may think he’s a godlike figure now but he’s still the boy who wet his pants on the first day of school.”

Buster snorted, which meant he was amused. He wasn’t a man for big or loud gestures, but you knew he was in your corner if you needed him to be. “That may get him here.”

“Doubtful. He’s too much of a big deal for Lake Howling now. Which, I’m not gonna lie, I struggle with. Ryan was quiet, never spoke unless he had something to say. My mom used to say he’d make the perfect broody hero in one of those novels she inhales. He’s forgotten where he came from. Forgotten that his sister needs him like she always did.”

“Harsh, Faith. The man is a bona fide superstar and likely has a punishing work schedule. I can’t imagine the Ryan I knew is not still the man he is today. He wouldn’t want to deliberately upset his sister or mother, although the jury is still out on the latter, to be honest. She’s out there again cutting off my direct route to The Roar. If I go the other way, it’s at least a minute longer.”

“That has to be hard on you. But all I’m saying is Hope was really hurt and upset.”

“She’s pregnant,” Buster said, rounding the counter, which was clearly all he planned to add on the matter.

Faith watched as he gave Hope a hug and brushed a hand over her head. He then returned and made hot chocolate for both of them even though Faith wanted coffee.

“It’s better for your sour disposition. I’m trying to sweeten you up,” he said, handing a mug to her.

“Didn’t work for you.”

He simply smiled and pulled out three chocolate chip cookies and gave her the plate.

“We’re the town grouches, you and I, but I’m the head grouch, and people expect it of me. You, however, are too beautiful to be one. So get your shit together and go see to your friend.”

She bared her teeth at him, snatched the plate, and marched to where Hope sat sniffling.

Chapter 2

Ryan drove through the redwoods and into Lake Howling with apprehension burning a hole in his gut. Autumn was easing to winter and the air was cool, the sky a clear blue. Traffic had stopped at the beginning of Main Street.


This place wasn’t exactly a thriving metropolis, with only one road in and out. No one passed through on their way to anywhere, which was one of things he’d hated most about it growing up.

He eased to a stop behind a blue sedan, letting his eyes become reacquainted with the town he’d grown up in.

Ice-cold clear waters sat to the right; more giant redwoods stood at the back of the buildings to the left of Main Street, watching over the town like they had for years. He couldn’t see any noticeable changes, but then he’d only just arrived.
