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“You’ve already explained why, so no need to hammer that point home. I’m a rock star and therefore have a loose reputation.”

“Maybe that came out wrong.”

“You think?”

“Look. Let’s just be polite and forget that happened.”

“Can you?” He was watching the others like she was, his shoulder brushing hers. Their eyes not meeting.

“Of course. I’ve been kissed plenty of times and forgotten them.”

“Well, that puts me in my place,” Ryan said.

“I’m sorry that what happened stirred up all that stuff on social media. I just heard about it.”

He shrugged. “Goes with the territory. Enjoy the game, Faith.”

She watched him jog away and wondered why she thought that maybe she’d hurt him.

“I’m the umpire, and I don’t want any crap from you lot,” Mac from the general store said.

“As if we would give you crap, Mac,” Faith said, smiling.

“And don’t think just because you’re cute I’m easily swayed.”

“Aww, Mac, I love you too.” Faith kissed his cheek.

“The Ballbusters have brought their own umpire too, and we’re doing even minutes so it’s fair,” Mac said.

Annabelle was team captain today. The Howlers had never really got round to electing one, so they just rotated.

“We’re batting first,” she said. “I expect you to play fair and hard. If that doesn’t work, start cheating.”

They moved into position after this rousing captain’s speech, and the Howlers sat in the seats provided.

Anticipation stirred through the crowd. People were eating hotdogs and candy floss. Some wore Howling colors, others Brook colors.

“Shit, sorry I’m late. Cubby gave me too much to drink last night.”

Findlay Hudson was a friend of Cubby’s from the police academy. He and his buddies from Ryker Falls had spent time here over the years. Faith watched him jog to where they sat, dressed in a Lake Howling shirt.

“Well hell, if it isn’t the park ranger.” Noah moved in to slap Fin’s hand. “You here alone?”

“Nah, Joe’s in the stands eating, his favorite pastime.”

“You any good at this, ranger boy?” Buster asked.

“You kick the ball, right?” Fin asked.

“All right, enough talk, more action!” Annabelle roared. “We need to take the Ballbusters down!”

Tex struck out first, which meant he got a ribbing from his teammates. Buster was next and got to second. Faith managed to make first. Ryan was up next.

“Is he a ringer?” one of the Ballbusters asked.

“I haven’t seen him before,” another said. “You only get one ringer, and that other guy is it, according to Darrell.”

“He’s local,” Mac called. “Therefore, he qualifies. Born and raised here.”
