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The besotted man blew his girl a kiss.

“You got this, pretty boy, or do you need to sub out?” Buster heckled Ryan. “Need me to get those girls to blot your sweat with their hankies?”

“You worry about your pastry, bud.”

“Look, I don’t sub for just any team, so you losers better win,” Fin called.

It was amazing how easy it was to fall back into this. The camaraderie, the teasing. It was almost like he hadn’t been gone. Almost, but not quite. Ryan looked at the crowd briefly; everyone was enjoying the spectacle. He noted some had cellphones directed his way taking photos.

“Okay, stay alert. This guy can hit the ball, but he’s slow,” Jake said from the pitcher’s mound. “If he hits a homer, they’ll beat us by one run.”

“Not happening.” Annabelle looked mean from second base. Faith wore the same expression, except Ryan thought it looked way hotter on her.

The guy swung and missed, and Mac called the strike. The Brook crowd booed.

“Get some glasses!” HRH roared back, to Ryan’s astonishment.

She was dressed in a plaid suit and sensible shoes. She wore a Howler cap. Beside her sat his mother.

“It’s the only time she lets the other HRH out to play,” Newman said.

“Unsettling, is what it is,” Ryan said.

“And then some,” Tex muttered.

“You girls gonna keep jawing or focus?” Fin Hudson roared from outfield.

“It’s called multitasking,” Noah roared back. “You take that concept back to Ryker Falls with you, it’ll be a work on for y’all,” he drawled.

His words were met with hoots of laughter.

Ryan looked at the spectators again before taking his position, swearing silently when his eyes fell on two men with cameras. He’d wondered when they’d arrived in town. He’d seen the social media posts and known it was only a matter of time before the paparazzi found him. He hadn’t wanted that part of his life to follow him here.

“Focus, pretty boy!” Buster roared. Ryan flipped him the bird.

“This is it, boys and girls,” Newman said. “Muffins are on me if we win.”

“Change that to chicken and cheesy crust pies, and we’re in,” Jake added.

Ryan watched Jake’s hand signals and readied himself. Dr. McBride Junior then pitched the ball. The hitter connected, and Buster scooped it up with an agility that seemed out of place on the man and threw it to him. Ryan then fired it at Faith. She caught it with one toe on the base.

No one moved for a second, then the crowd roared, the players roared, and soon everyone met in the middle in a mass huddle of congratulations. They’d won.

“Holy shit, that was an awesome double play!” Noah had his sister in a hug.

Ryan was slapped, chest bounced, and felt genuine excitement for what they’d achieved. When had he last felt that? Onstage, yes, but he’d become jaded. Something had been missing in his life. Not just friends or family, but something normal, like playing ball with your friends. Home, he thought. This place was rooted deep inside him; he’d forgotten that.

He found his way to Faith’s side and leaned down to kiss her sweaty cheek. “Nice work, slugger.”

“Not too bad yourself.” She gave him a big, genuine smile and it hit him right in the gut. She was stunning. The woman was stirring him up, there was no doubting that. He gave in to what he needed and slipped his hands around her. Lifting her off her feet, he swung her in a circle. She was laughing when he released her. Which he did reluctantly.

“I’m sorry about those girls.”

“Part of the territory, right?” Her smile dimmed.

“Something like that.”

They fell in behind Annabelle to shake hands with the opposition, and Ryan knew a few of them were giving him a double take, wondering if he was really Ryan Lawrence. Thankfully, the press was staying away for now. Shooting them a look, he found Mrs. C and one of her cronies, Lydia Becker, with them. That would keep them busy for a while.
