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“I hope you all enjoyed the win?”

They shouted their agreement that they had.

“Excellent. Now we’re going to perform a couple of songs. Forgive any mistakes; we haven’t played together for a few years.”

More laughter.

He was so good at this. Natural. It surprised her that he was nervous before he performed. She’d never seen a sign of that. He went on to introduce each of the band members.

“Ready?” he asked.

Faith felt Branna slide a hand around her waist and squeeze.

“You got this,” she whispered as Ryan and the other band members played the first bars. “Look over the crowds; it’s easier.”

She had a moment of panic, then the music started and thankfully the words filled her head.

Ryan and Branna sang in what to her seemed perfect harmony. She joined in when the chorus came and found herself harmonizing. Maybe she did have this. Excitement had her smiling at Noah. He blew her a kiss.

She stood with Branna and sang, and her friend nudged her when she needed nudging, but for the most she did okay… she thought. And had to admit after the first few minutes she was enjoying herself.

Still terrified, but not quite as much.

The applause was loud as they finished the first song. And she found Noah again, standing with his arms around Lucy in the front of the crowd. The others were there too. Her people. All smiling up at her.

Mikey stood with his friend Deano; both of them had their eyes on Ryan.

“Don’t tell me you’re enjoying yourself,” Ryan said before starting the next song.



They sang another, and she even used the tambourine this time and managed to move her feet in time with the music.

The applause had them all bowing after they’d finished the second song.

“You sing one, Ryan,” Branna said.

“If he wants to,” Faith added.

“It will raise more money,” Annabelle said.

“Okay.” He looked relaxed.

They all left the stage, and Faith moved to stand with her friends and family.

“Wow, you’ve been holding out on us,” Newman said. “You’re really good.”

“Ssssh, Ryan’s going to sing and play his guitar,” Tex hissed.

They watched Ryan move closer to the front of the stage as he began to strum his guitar. She knew this song; it was one of her favorites.

He was mesmerizing standing up there. She’d watched him for years and often wondered what it would be like to see him live. Now that she was, she understood why he was loved by so many.

The man had an amazing voice. Husky and deep, it seemed to reach right down inside her soul.

“Lord, that man can sing,” Macy sighed.
