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“I’m not sure why you’re still here. I mean, you weren’t when she had chicken pox or ran a fever. You didn’t carry her around everywhere when she broke her leg or walk her to school on her first day.”

“Now is not the time, Ryan.” Tex came to his side. “Emotions are running too high.”

“Try to understand, Ryan, that Jacob and Hope have grown closer over the last year, and he is worried for her,” his mother said.

“Ryan, if you want me to leave, I will.”

“No, you won’t. Hope would want you here,” his mother said.

What about what I want!

“Just keep out of my face,” Ryan muttered, feeling betrayed by the only parent he’d believed was in his corner.

“Sit down now, Ryan,” Tex said.

“I can’t.” The words sounded choked. “She’s hurting, and I can’t do anything.”

The door opened, and in ran Faith. He didn’t stop himself from reaching for her when she was two steps away. Hauling her close, he held on.

“What are they saying?” she said over his shoulder to her friends.

“Brad’s bringing the helicopter in, and we’re taking her to Brook, to the hospital. The baby’s not coming out, and they need to operate. The facilities there are excellent,” Tex said, standing. His handsome face was grim.

As if on cue, they heard rotor blades.

“Once this is done, we’ll fly behind them,” Tex added. “I can take three of you.”

“We’ll drive,” Buster said. “Me, Faith, and any others will follow.”

“Jacob, Ryan, and I will come with you then, Ethan.” Ryan felt a stab of guilt as he noted the worry etched on his mother’s face. She didn’t look so fierce in that moment; she looked old and small.

“Hope.” He watched his mother hurry forward as the doors opened.

Ryan pulled out of Faith’s arms as they wheeled Hope out into reception. Newman was pale, Jake’s face grim, and Annabelle didn’t look much better. Dr. McBride Senior acknowledged them but was all business.

Hope had her eyes closed and looked like a ghost. Newman looked no better and held her hand in a death grip.

Ryan watched his mother kiss her daughter and felt the sting of tears. She only kissed her kids when they were sick or something bad had happened.

“Hey, baby sister,” Ryan said when she stepped back. “You stay strong for me now and know that I love you. I’ll be there as soon as my niece or nephew makes an appearance, Hope.” He didn’t know what else to say; he was completely at a loss how to say goodbye to her.Please don’t let this be goodbye.

“Love you,” she whispered.

“We’ll be there as soon as we can, Hope,” Faith said to her friend from somewhere behind him. “We love you,” she added softly.

Ryan walked out at his sister’s side as they wheeled the hospital bed to the helicopter, with his mother and father on his heels. He ducked under the rotor blades and helped get her inside.

“I love you,” he said again so she could hear. “It’s going to be okay,” he said, meeting Newman’s eyes. The man looked destroyed.

“I’m going with Buster and Willow now, Ryan. I will be at the hospital as soon as I can.” Faith wrapped her arms around him as he watched the helicopter climb into the sky. In that machine was one of the most important people in his world. He felt helpless and small.

It was then he realized that staying away from Hope had been wrong. Putting off coming home had been wrong. Nothing mattered to him now but that his sister survived whatever hell she was going through.

“I’m scared,” he said into Faith’s hair. “I’ve never been this scared in my life before. I can’t help her, Faith.”

“I know.”

“I’d give anything I have to keep her safe.”
