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“Many of its residents have values that haven’t changed over the years, and I’m not saying they’re right or wrong, but I’m sure plenty of the men in town told Ryan he was the man of the Lawrence family and it was his job to look after his sister and mom.”

Jacob swore softly.

“I think that kind of talk over time could make you resentful. My brother got it when my father passed, but he was older.”

“And I wasn’t there when he needed me, or so he told me. It’s very clear my son hates me, which is understandable.”

She didn’t know what to say to that, but had a feeling there was a great deal more to what Ryan felt for his father than just hate.

“His anger is warranted, Faith. Especially when you take in the fact I have three more children who had me in their lives. I was at their sports games and concert recitals. Ryan and Faith had Millicent.”

“Then you need to respect any choice he makes, Jacob. He may not be part of your life, and that’s his right.” Faith felt protective of Ryan even though she’d never tell him that.

The man sighed but said nothing more.

They found a cafe just opening. Ryan sat to her right; Buster, Brad, and Tex took the other seats at their table. Millicent and Mac sat with Jacob and Jake at another one.

Two girls in their early twenties approached as they were handed their menus.

“No, he’s not that Ryan Lawrence.” Buster sighed. “You need to do something about that face, bud.”

“It is him. I know it is!” one of them actually squealed. “I can see the tattoo on his arm.”

“It’s okay,” Ryan said as Buster opened his mouth. “I got this; you guys order your food. I’ll take the eggs on toast.”

Pushing back his chair, Ryan went to join the girls. They had photos taken with him, putting their arms around his waist.

“You look fierce,” Tex said to her. “What’s the problem? You must know that stuff comes with who he is?”

“Sure, I get it. But he’s just had a traumatic experience, and yet he has to do that.”

They all looked to where Ryan was signing a shirt. The woman had lifted her sweater, and he was supposed to write over her breasts. He went for the chest.

“You and he got something, Faith?” Buster asked softly.

“No! No way would I be with anyone who had to live with that,” she said, waving a hand to where the scene was playing out.

“You can’t pick who you’re gonna love,” Brad said.

“I don’t love him.” She kept her voice calm.She couldn’t love him.

“If you’re sure that’s the truth, then don’t get any closer, is my advice,” Buster added. “Because there’s no doubt to anyone who saw you walking into The Yelp earlier that there is a connection between you and the rock god.”

“There is no connection,” Faith lied.

“Right, and that’s why you can’t stop looking at the guy. Why you’re always hugging each other and holding hands.”

“We’re friends. I was watching out for him.”

“Commendable to be sure, but BS, and we both know it.”

“What he said.” Tex nodded to Buster.

“We don’t want you hurt, Faith. You’re like a sister to us,” Buster said.

“What he said,” Tex said.

She swallowed. Could Ryan hurt her again? Looking at the easy smile he had on his face as he interacted with those fans, she thought yes, he could, and this time it would take more than a few weeks of tears to get over him.
